#14 - Jordan

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I gathered my things from the table, and stood up. My friends were already walking out the door. I wanted to yell at them to wait for me, but I didn't want to be annoying, so I just gathered my stuff and walked at my own pace through the halls.

Despite how calm I was acting, inside my heart was jumping and leaping bounds. It was fairly bouncing into the sky. I had just admitted to my best friend, Jordan, that I liked her, and Mya, my other friend, had convinced her to date me for a week, just to see how she liked it.

Even though I knew that the week was merely a trial period for Jordan and our relationship would probably end just as soon as her time was up, I was still happier than I had been in a very long time.

The thought of her own warm hand wrapped in my own made a smile burst from my face. I walked up to my locker, still smiling like an idiot, and gathered what I needed for my next class. When I had everything, I shut my locker and went to English.

In the English classroom, chaos was all around. I set my things on my desk and looked around for my friends. I saw Ayla and Aleigh off to one side, talking excitedly. Not wanting to interrupt, I sat in my seat and waited for my girlfriend.

When she walked in the door, I gave Jordan a huge smile, which she returned. The smile filled me with an unquenchable happiness, like a hot-air balloon that had just been filled with a new sort of heat source.

Soon, the teacher came in and announced that we would be watching a movie based off of a book we'd been reading in class. I smiled at the news. Movies were a chance for me to zone out and think about life, love, and other such deep things.

Jordan took her seat behind me. I could see the black and gray sleeve of her Fall Out Boy jacket on the edge of her desk. I sat rigid, my back ramrod straight, wondering if she would do or say anything to me.

The movie started, and after a while, I felt a soft tugging at my hair. I started slightly and flinched from instinct. The tugging motion stopped for a second, but I leaned back in my chair slightly, letting Jordan know that it was okay to play with my hair.

She must have been satisfied with my reaction, because Jordan continued to run her fingers gently through my short hair. I relaxed, the feeling of her hands gently petting me soothing my active brain and nostalgic heart.

I watched the black and white pictures on the screen change from scene to scene, and a blissful peace filled my heart. I smiled in contentment and thought to myself,

I would not mind spending the rest of my life exactly like this.


After we had stopped for the day and gotten ready to go, everyone gathered around the door, waiting for the bell to ring. I stood with my friends, talking to them, but mostly to Jordan.

At some point during our conversation, she bent down and kissed me on the forehead. My heart immediately skipped about three beats, and a harsh blush formed on my cheeks.

I tried to kiss her on the forehead, too, but, not to my surprise, I wasn't tall enough. Jordan realized my dilemma and laughed. I laughed, too, but my mind was still on that kiss.

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