The Aftermath

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You had an adverse reaction to the sedatives they had given you. They left you unconscious for five days. All of which Dean sat by your side whispering sweet nothings into your ear and saying you were going to get through this. Dean had started having feelings for you about a year ago, but didn't want to ruin the friendship that y'all had, so he kept it quiet. What he didn't know, however, was that you felt the same way, at least, you did before all this happened. Who knows how you feel now.

Sam was also there to support you, but unlike Dean he went to the motel across the street at night to shower and sleep knowing one of them had to stay healthy and sane for the time being.

By day five Sam knew it was time for Dean to take a break. Dean had probably slept all of two hours in those five days and had barely eaten a thing. He knew it wasn't going to be easy to pry Dean away from you, but he had no other choice, Dean wasn't taking care of himself.

"Hey man, why don't you go to the motel, shower, change, get a bite to eat and some shut eye?" Sam simultaneously asked and told Dean.

"No, I'm fine. I'm not leaving her side until she wakes up. I promised her," Dean responded.

"I understand that, but look at yourself Dean. If you want to be of any help to her you need to take care of yourself first. You need more than 20 minutes of sleep a day and you need to eat something. You go get a few hours of sleep and clean yourself up and I promise I'll stay right here next to (Y/N)."

"But what if s-" Dean tried to get out.

"Dean, I got her. It will be fine. I need you to take care of yourself. We are already one man, well woman, down we don't need another. I will call you if anything changes ok?" Sam pleaded with his brother.

"You promise?"

"Yes. Go. Now."

"Fine, I'll go, but only because I could really use a burger not because you told me to," Dean half joked.

With that he left the hospital room. Sam took the seat that Dean had previously occupied and tried to talk to you, finally having alone time with you. Sam was always like a protective big brother to you so it hurt him just as much as it hurt Dean to see you like this.

"Hey (Y/N), I don't know if you can actually hear me, but I really need you to pull through this. For both mine and Dean's sake. We will tear each other apart without you here to stop us from making dumbass decisions. You know that," Sam grabbed and squeezed your hand.

"I need my little sister. You know that's what you have always been to me. I don't think Dean or I could get passed it if you don't pull through. Just please keep fighting like the strong warrior I know you are," Sam pleaded with you as the tears begin to cascade down his cheeks falling to where he held your hand.

After about an hour Sam started to doze off because, truth be told, even though he was going to the motel every night to sleep he didn't sleep very well. Luckily, he wasn't quite asleep yet so he felt you stir and begin to wake up. He shot up out of his chair and leaned towards you as your eyes began to flutter open.

When you opened your eyes, you began to panic not knowing where you were thinking you were still captive. Sam saw the panic rise within you and immediately started to run his hand through your hair and squeeze your hand.

"Hey (Y/N). Hey shhhhh..... it's ok. It's Sam. You're safe. You're in the hospital," Sam said in an attempt to calm you down.

"Sam?" you asked.

"Yeah sweetie it's me." In response, you grabbed him, winced in pain from your ribs, and hugged him tight and started to cry into his chest. "Hey ssshhhhhh.......... You're ok. I got you." You stayed like that for a solid five minutes when the doctor walked in.

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