Play dates part 4 (i think)

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This is probably going to come out like 5 days after I said I was going to do it lolololol

You gasped and quickly shut up, you didn't want to attract any attention by making noises like an idiot. You got up and started to look around, you tried to make your steps quiet as possible, on the outside you seemed fine, but on the inside you were screaming like a five year old that was on a roll coaster above a volcano.

You wondered how you got here, and you wondered where everyone else was. Was it only you that got placed somewhere else? Were the others placed somewhere else? And worst of all, Are they okay? What if they are hurt or locked up somewhere? You began to feel adrenaline rush into your veins.Your breathing became heavy and you started to look around more, but then you stopped. You saw the troll who stole your grubs, you could only feel loathing for him, you wanted so badly to go up to him and punch him in the face. You knew you wouldn't, you wouldn't even dare to make eye contact with that weird troll.

On further examination (A.K.A you just sitting there and eyeballing him) you noticed he had some pretty big orange wings, and his dressing style was a little weird. You chuckled to yourself, but quickly regretted it seeing that he heard you. He looked over at you and made eye contact, he smirked. "I see you." He said, even though that was already obvious -_-. You panicked as you saw him walking over, "It's okay I just want to help you" he reassuringly said. You ran away.

You ran as fast as you could it was obvious that he was right behind you, while running you cut your arms and legs on the tree branches you passed leaving cuts on your body, and possibly bruises. Your lungs burned, adrenaline running through your body once more. "Get the hell away from me you psycho!!!" Your legs were hella tired and you though you were going to faint.

You were screaming your lungs out until you fell....down a ducking hole. "AAAAAA WHY" you screeched, and prepared for the impact. You opened up your eye when you didn't feel your body crushing against the ground, it was HIM. You let out a little hiss at him and he chuckled, "Be happy that I saved your life doll-" annnd you were falling down again. You saw that he was screeching and letting out a quite sob, you both fell to the grown but luckily your fall was softened by falling on leafs and flowers.

You looked over at him he was still letting out quite sobs, you saw that he had torn his wings. Okay that had to have hurt, you sighed and looked around. You didn't see any way out seeing that it was a deep cave, and the only way out was up. You looked over at him and sighed, you instantly realized you were going to have to team up with him.

You gathered up some fallen leafs that probably fell down the hole and started to cover his torn wing, "Why are you helping me doll?" He asked confused. You sighed, "Look the only way we're going to get out of this hole is if we help each other and team up..." he smirked that idiot..."Sounds wonderful doll" he said it practically rolled off his tongue. You groaned, you did figure this was going to be a perfect time to question him, and you smirked.

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