Chapter 4: Forever Alone

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Chapter 4: Forever Alone

I couldn't stand seeing Harry like that. Is wasn't his fault I was hit by a car. He didn't know a drunk driver would come and smash into me. I don't believe that wishes come true, I don't believe in miracles, that's just who I am. My granddad had cancer even since I was 2. As the years went on he got worst. I prayed and wished for a miracle for him to save. He died a week later, after I turned 6, I lost all hope in God, and I lost all hope in wishes and miracles. I stopped going to church with my family after that, I was disappointed that God didn't save my granddad. I cried for him everyday, but he never came back, my grandad was gone forever. I looked at Harry and screamed. I fell on my knees and cried. I shook him, trying to get him to stop and notice I was there, but it was useless. I was dead. I sat with my back against the couch watching him cry. Tears fell down my face as I watched. I threw my head back and just sat thinking. I looked up and saw Harry staring right at me.

"Harry?" I asked.

He didn't respond.

"HARRY!" I screamed.

Nothing. He reached towards me and I reached towards his hand. When we touched my hand went right through his. He reached for his phone that was on the other side of me. I sighed as he turned the television on. I got off the floor and walked out the door, not looking back at him. The cold London air hit me, smacking me back into reality. It was now raining and I had nowhere to go. I stopped in front of the general store and ran under its visor. I looked around and saw people running in the rain. I slid down the window crying. The hot tears burned my face, as the cold wind hit them.

"Meg?" I heard.

I looked up to see Lily. She was holding Niall's hand walking into the store. She ran over to me, but Niall was to busy with his girlfriend to notice.

"What are you doing in the rain Meggy?" She asked.

"I guess I needed a bath." I laughed.

"Please come home with me Meggy. Get out of the rain." She says.

"I don't belong at your house anymore Lily." I told her.

"You belong there Meggy, you're my best friend." She smiled.

"No." I told her, "You're my best friend."

She laughed and grabbed my hand. She can actually touch me.

"Lily." Her mum called her.

"Coming!" She called back.

She helped me up as she ran to her mum.

"You can't tell them about me Lily." I whispered to her.

"Don't worry Meggy. Pinky piggy promise." She whispered back.

"What?" I asked her, "Piggy?"

"Yeah, piggy, I made it up. It's just our thing." She smiled at me.

"Okay." I smiled back linking my pinky with hers.

She held my hand as she walked into the store behind Niall and her mum. They grabbed a couple of things from the selves as the went along. Then the separated, Niall went to get food and Lily's mum went the other way. Lily let go of my hand to follow Niall, but I followed the women. She walked to the feminine product section and grabbed 3 boxes. I froze seeing what they were. Pregnancy tests. I breathed in and out, but couldn't find my breath. I felt a tear fall down my cheek. Stop crying Meghan! Your so weak, you are so so weak. I watched her bring them up to the counter and pay for them. I slid down to the ground once again, my face now stained with new tears. I hated crying. Lily called my name in a whisper, I looked up and saw her looking down the aisles. I quickly shot up and ran so she couldn't find me. I saw the "employes only" door and walked through it, I'm dead, no one will ever be able to see me again. I sat there for at least 20 minutes until I walked out back into the store. I thanked God for Lily being gone, I loved her and all but I didn't belong at her house. I walked along the streets again in the pouring rain. The rain fell on me hard like thousands of marbles being thrown at me. I saw couples walking down the street looking so happy and in love. I sighed knowing that used to be me.


"Niall stop!" I laughed.

He picked me up and spun me around. He placed me back onto the grass and kissed my cheek.

"I love you." He told me for the first time.

I smiled at him and started blushing.

"I love you too." I told him.

It started to pour just like magic and I screamed, laughing. Niall grabbed the picnic basket and blanket and started running down the hill.

"Niall you're going to fall." I yelled to him.

"What?" He asked tripping.

He quickly started rolling down the muddy hill, while I laughed. I started to run after him and slipped on the moist grass. I rolled down the hill and right to the bottom until I was on top of him. He smiled and kissed me. That's when I knew he loved me.

*End of Flashback*

I sat down on a nearby cold metal bench. I laid down on it looking at the stars. The London lights were harsh but I could still see them. They reminded me of Harry.


Harry and I laid on a blanket in the park by his house in Cheshire. We gazed up at the stars admiring their beauty.

"Promise we will be best friends forever?" He suddenly asked.

I looked at him and smiled.

"I promise." I told him.

He went on to tell me about he could never trust anyone with anything and that he never really had a best friend. I told him it was okay to not have a best friend, he started crying saying how no one ever liked him. I told him I loved him and so did many other people. He smiled and we spent the whole night in the park looking at the stars.

*End of Flashback*

When I looked up I saw a figure move from across the fountain.

"Hello?" I called.

I realized they couldn't hear me and got up from the bench. I walked over slowly to the fountain. I peered over the side and froze.

I stopped breathing..

(A/N: Sorry for the wait! I have been so busy with the Magcon boys book! Hope you enjoyed! I'll try updating soon! :) Love you all! Please tell me what you all think!

-Riss1020 😘

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