Chapter 43: Let's Walk and Talk

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Chapter 43

"Spill." Kurt suddenly said, launching a football at me.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed as it hit me right in the shoulder. "Do you want me to get injured before tomorrow or something?!" I yelled, hurling it back at him.

He ducked the ball and looked at me like nothing had just happened.

"He's right, man, what's going on?" Reggie demanded, turning off the music.

"You and Elizabeth haven't been the same since you went to New Jersey." Garret sighed.

"You guys haven't even talked since practice on Monday."

"Because she's acting like a baby and got mad at me for doing my job." I rolled my eyes, laying back down on the ground. "When she's ready to be mature she'll-"

"Bullshit. There was shit brewing there way before that push up competition." Garret said seriously.

"She's giving you the silent treatment like it's the first month of school, I thought ya'll were past that." Reggie sighed.

"Yeah, me too." I mumbled, closing my eyes as I stretched my arms over my head.

We were in my room this time, not in the barn. My mom wanted to have a family dinner before we left for States tonight and that somehow included the guys too. A 'proper home cooked meal' was apparently all we needed to be our best tomorrow night.

I was just shocked she hadn't invited Elizabeth.

My parents loved her, but I hadn't heard anything about her presence at dinner tonight and I hoped it stayed that way.

"We're waiting." Reggie said seriously.

I let out a groan as I sat up straight.

"We were at a party, we were sober, we were having a blast, and things literally could not have been better for us." I started, running my hands through my hair to mess it up. "Then she disappears off somewhere with this girl named Talia and I'm left to my own devices amidst a sea of preppy fuckboys with trust funds the size of mars."

The three guys didn't say anything. They just watched me, serious looks on their faces.

"I eventually square up with these four fuckers in the kitchen who know Elizabeth, are high off their asses, and claim to have just been in a car with Elizabeth and this Talia girl. Apparently something happened in that car that they wouldn't tell 'the boyfriend' or some shit like that."

"She cheated?" Kurt asked in shock.

"Shut up!" The twins yelled in unison.

"So I find her upstairs in a room where she promptly introduces me to this Talia chick who everyone acts shocked that I didn't know about before. This girl's a total hippie, probably a vegan who doesn't shave and doesn't wear a bra or whatever. She leaves, kisses Elizabeth on the mouth, and then Elizabeth drops a bombshell that she had a lesbian moment with this chick last year." I sighed, leaning back on my hands.

"Fuck." Reggie muttered.

"We talk through it, shit happens, and then we're just chilling with these other guys in a room that reeks of weed and has people practically dry fucking each other left and right. These guys are still cracking jokes about past memories and the still unknown incident in the car and I'm just sitting there like a fucking couch pillow." I explained. "Then Elizabeth's all over me and we end up downstairs in an office saying fuck it to all of Coach's rules..."


"He didn't want us having sex so we had been going only to third but that night was just whatever." I waved them off. "Lola, her best friend, breaks us up and tells us that her brother is fighting this guy outside. Now this guy, Brian fucking James. He did some shit, a lot of shit, and he's basically number one on both our hit lists. He starts spewing shit about the past and whatever the fuck happened in that car and Tommy's throwing punches and Elizabeth's getting shoved and he's going after my shoulder and then Elizabeth delivers the most solid punch I've ever seen someone throw. Brian James drops like the fucking dead and Elizabeth and I hightail it out of there. Her hand's all swollen and bruised and she's crying and I wasn't exactly about to bring up the car incident then, right? Well her hand is fucked, she's an emotional wreck for something that I do not know and I'm just over here left in the dark and being served with the silent treatment."

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