Ch 1:The Fledgling

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The red liquid that was sitting in front of me smelled of sweet red roses. Just sitting in a beautiful glass carved in it was a clock. Deep red from the tasty liquid that I dare not to drink. As I try to go back to writing in my journal, avoiding the red liquid's attention, my door creaked open. I close my eyes knowing who it is. "Yes Isabel?"

"It seemed you haven't touched your blood."

"I don't want to drink it."

"Oh? Well Jules, you can't be a fledgling forever." She softly grabs me by the cheeks, her blood red eyes were staring into my dark blue eyes. Trying to stick her fingers in my mouth she felt my razor sharp fangs. The smell of the blood didn't help at all, making them grow longer and sharper. "Those fangs really want that human blood."

My black crow flew into my room then perched itself on my desk. He looked at the blood then cawed. "Hi Gatsby."

"If you won't drink it I will."

"Go for it, I'm not stopping you."

Isabel pouted and snatched the blood from my desk. "At one point you'll have to drink human blood."

I continue on writing in my Journal. In this very world I live in is filled with mystery, where everything is over taken with steam powered mechanics and the constant sound of a clock ticking in my head. All I want in this world is a purpose to live, one that won't let my hunger for human blood get in my way. For my ten years of being a vampire you'd think I'd be drinking human blood.

Gatsby and I walk down the metal stairs of the mansion, holding my journal in one arm and fixing my brass goggles with the other hand. Knowing already, master was waiting for me in the steam room wanting me to fix something. Me being the only useful vampire of the group, master picks me to help. My trip didn't last long till one of the other vampires grabbed me by the neck and rubbed my head. "Hehe, look here."

"Let me go Dan!" Under the amount of pressure he put on me, the only option I had was to kick him in the only spot I had left. The force brought his now stiff body to the ground with me continuing on walking to the steam room.

Master tricked me, he didn't need help but to only bring a human into the room. The poor human was shaking with fear not knowing what to do. It was a woman that was tied up in a chair, finally catching my attention. My hunger didn't help by me licking my two rows of sharp fangs. I walked near her sniffing her neck. The poor woman was thrashing in her restraints to be set free. It was hard, so so hard just wanting a bite. Just as I was about to pierce my fangs into her soft neck, I could hear clapping from behind the project I needed to work on. "The boy is finally going to drink human blood."
"I wasn't planning on it sir," I lied.
"I see, now you're lying to me." He walked over to the human girl ripping the tape off her mouth. "Why don't you want this beautiful young girl's blood?" He takes a bite from the hopeless girl's neck. The girl's once scared bright blue eyes turned to fear. Her screams were silent but all I could see were tears running down her cheeks.
"Leave her alone!"
"Oh? You want me to stop?" Master did as I said. Blood ran down the girl's neck, the mark master left on her was more of a gash than a bite. He smiled at me. "You get a freebie Jules, no need to bite but lick the blood that runs down her fragile neck."
I wanted to do something for the girl but at the same time not leave her with master. By the looks of her, she was loosing blood. "I'll drink her master but need my privacy."
"You may." He walks off the other direction thankfully not going back into the mansion.
After awhile, the human woke up. She saw me ring out a bloody rag into water. "Where am I?"
"You're in my room." I finish with the rag and go over to feel her temperature. She declined it and slapped my hand away.
"I don't want your filthy vampire hand on me."
"I'm not going to hurt you."
"You almost bit me."
"You have a point there but I didn't mean to my lady, you see, I'm a fledgling vampire, not a full blood yet. I don't want to drink human blood."
The human girl scoots away from me frightened. She still felt unsure of me and what I could potentially do to her. "A fledgling vampire?"
"Yes. Promise I won't hurt you, plus, my father was a doctor so you'll be perfectly fine."
"I feel fine now, can I go?"
"That's a bad idea, you're in a vampire mansion."
The human slowly climbs out of my bed and walks over to my journal. She softly sways her hand over the hard cover. "What an interesting journal, you write?"
"Yes, I'm a poet and journalist."
As she was about to open it, I grab her hand. I didn't want the human girl to touch my journal, it's too special to me. I show my fangs. "Don't touch my journal."
She jumped back in fright about to run out of my room. It didn't last long till master bursts through clutching the hopeless girl. "You little shit! You lied to me!"
"You almost killed her master, she's just a human."
"It was supposed to be your food."
Gatsby flies in and attacks master, pecking him on the head. Master thrashes as my crow pecks at his head. He slaps Gatsby aside causing him to crash at the leg of my desk. "Gatsby!" I clench my fangs in anger looking up at master. "You hurt the girl and you hurt my crow! Aaaa!" I charge at him sending master down the stairs. Hoping I knocked him out, I drag him up into my room. "Grab my bag human."
"I don't even know you."
"Jules, Jules Oliver."
"I'm Violet."
I finish tying Master up and grab anything that'd be useful to me. As I grab my journal, an envelope falls out of the back.
Violet picks it up examining it. The envelope shone a gold color with a wax stamp covering the flap. "What's this?"
"Give me that."
"Is it yours?"
"I didn't know this was in here." I could hear someone coming up the stairs, maybe master. Placing the last object in my bag, I grab Violet by the arm. "Get on my back."
"We need to go, you're not safe here."
Violet did as I said and we were off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2017 ⏰

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