.*° Chapter 2 °*.

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Sakura was skipping through the hallways, she needed a book to issue, so she headed straight towards the library. Itachi had suggested it to her long ago, so it wouldn't hurt to try it out.

"Miss Anko, I wanted to know if the fault in our stars is available."

The librarian grinned at seeing Sakura and nodded.

"Sure thing, it's in the 2nd shelf."

She said pointed towards a shelf full of different types of novels. Her eyes glistened at the scene before her. She really loved books and once wished to read all of the ones in her school library, but all of the work that came while being the school president, was holding her back from doing it.

She took out the book excitedly and placed it on Anko sensei's table. She scribbled the pinkette's name on her register and wrote the date on the table for Due-dates.

"Thanks Anko Sensei!"

Sakura chirped and took the book with her outside. The school was pretty much empty. There were just some teachers and a few students either stopping for projects or such things. She sat outside on the soft lush grass and smiled. A perfect place to read a perfect book.

She starting to read the first chapter and soon, she was already absorbed into the book. It seemed really good, with different emotions described perfectly. The book was perfect no wonder why a bookworm like Itachi suggested her to read it. She kept on reading the book silently. Sometimes there were tears in her eyes, while sometimes she would bite her lip and smile. The book was definitely something different.

When she was done with a satisfying amount of chapters she got up. It was already almost dark. She viewed the sky, it was so beautiful. It was in different shades of orange and it just seemed like a beautiful sight to see. Not even a high quality camera could capture the sunset perfectly, it could only be viewed by the eyes.

She had to go to a store to get some groceries for tonight's dinner... she'll probably do that tomorrow, the book was more important to finish. Plus there was some food she could survive on just in the fridge.

Now she got how Kakashi sensei felt like, getting late for giving lectures because of his book. She giggled at the thought and slowly walked down the lawn she was sitting at. She tried to enjoy the soft breezes that were blowing in her hair and against her face. It felt so good as if all of her troubles were magically going off to somewhere. As if she felt that all of her burdens were lifted from her shoulders. A smile graced upon her lips and held on her scarf, while pulling her bag closer.

Memories of her childhood played in her mind as she walked lazily crossed the street. Suddenely she felt the warmth go away, the warmth for replaced by the cold. Instead of warm, cold air blew in her direction making her slightly shiver. Now she definitely need to head back home!

Sakura shivered again as she felt the cold wind blow against her face. The day was definitely getting very chilly... She held her scarf tighter and tried to run back to her home as fast as her legs could carry her.

Somehow she felt like someone was following her. Her fear level rose and she tried her best to run even faster. What if someone raped her on the streets?! Or possibly kidnap her? She knew self defence and she had been taking regular classes by lady Tsunade. Maybe she could put up the techniques for use.

Nodding to herself she continued to run.


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