1 - Special Day

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It was another fine day at Camp Campbell, the sun was out and all the kids were just playing and enjoying their days in the sun. Well, everyone except for David.

He hadn't been feeling well, so he had been in more of a mood. He seemed to be forlorn, looking down at his feet with a sigh. He seemed a little down in the dumps today, so he let Gwen take control of the campers.

"I just don't see how they couldn't enjoy my enthusiasm about camp activities, let alone camp activities themselves." David told himself, looking like he was about to cry. As the Order of the Sparrow incident had happened just yesterday. It still left a toll on his happy little heart strings.

"I mean, they're getting better, but... they still seem to forget what day it is today. I've told them a hundred times already..." He told himself, proceeding to lay down. He began to stifle up tears as his mouth began to quiver. Tears began to form in his sad little eyes as he had a look on his face. He looked... honestly depressed.

Gwen was managing arts and crafts with the kids, who were getting a little out of hand. Her anxiety began to act up, but she didn't let that get the best of her she managed to get her little whistle and blow it as hard as she could, the campers making faces while hiding their ears.

"Alright kids, let's get ready to craft up cards." She told them with a tired look, wiping her eyes.

"Who for?" Max asked with a raise of his eyebrow, seeming done with everyone's shit, as usual.

"I'll tell you when we get to that point." Gwen told him, massaging her temples to relax her brain. "For now, we'll just prepare for it."

Max, Nikki and Neil huddled up once Gwen dismissed them for some free time to create other crafts, seeming as if they were football players assembling their next move. They noticed that she wouldn't tell them right away, so they were suspicious.

"Who do you think we're making cards for?" Nikki asked with a confused tone.

"Probably Chucky." Max shuddered as he imagined his condition now. Poor poor Chucky.

"Maybe it's for one of the campers?" Neil suggested with a nervous smile. "Like Nurf, for reasons other than him having problems."

"Maybe it's for Cameron? He's doing a pretty good job of running Thailand." Nikki suggested with an innocent grin.

"He's running it right into the ground, Nikki." Max sighed at her. "Right into the ground. Who else would we have to fucking make cards for??"

Gwen went over to Max and the gang, whispering it to Max only. She seemed to smirk as she did so. Max looked like he was disappointed yet shocked. He was both of those emotions to who and what reason for the cards that she whispered. "Aw shit."


After a long period of time that consisted on multiple hours, they were done and ready to "mail the cards". At this time, Gwen knocked on David's door, sighing sadly.

"David, you've been in there all day, why don't you come out of there?" She asked him quietly.

David wiped away his tears quickly, sniffling quietly. He didn't want anyone to worry about him, so he didn't want to sound sad. "I-I'm sorry, Gwen. Maybe another time, I'm not feeling so good."

Gwen just sighed, opening the door anyways. The light made David shade his eyes a little. Every camper, including Gwen, was outside. They all seemed to smile at him, well, except for Max. "Kids, what do we say to David?" Gwen asked them with a smile.

David almost beamed, but knew not to get his hopes up, so he waited. He put his hands on his hips really quick, wanting to see what they would say.

The whole group began to clear their throats too, and everyone began singing.
"There's a place I know that's tucked away
A place where you and I can stay
Where we can go to laugh and play
And have adventures everyday"

The kids weren't done yet, but David's frown grew into a big happy smile.

"I know it sounds hard to believe
But, guys and gals, it's true"

Gwen pushed Max forward, Max glaring at her.

"Why am I the soloist!?" He whispered loudly, but Gwen shushed him and signaled him to keep going.

Max sighed to himself, looking angry yet unamused. "David," he began, now beginning to sing with the tune.

"We wish the happiest birthday to youuuu." He sung to him, unhappy to be singing this part.

David wiped the happy tears from his eyes and face, now beginning to hug Max tightly. Max tried his best to get out of the hug, stopping his squirming as David whispered to him: "T-thank you, Max."

Max suddenly calmed down, letting David hug him tightly. He seemed more content to this than he did a few seconds ago.
"Whatever, just take your stupid cards." Max told him as he handed the cards to David. He received them with a sniffle, smiling extremely.

"You guys..." He told them shakily, being extremely happy and content about the situation. "Thank you. Thank you all." Then he turned to Gwen, realizing it was her idea. "Especially you, Gwen."

Gwen was then hugged tightly by David, proceeding to pry him of. Then she gave him somewhat of a smile.

"You're welcome."

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