2. Passions

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Stella: good morning Joe are you ready for your concert tonight

Joe: yeah

Paisley: *walks in* wait I have a gymnastics meet tonight!!!

Macy: the concert is after the meet

Paisley: no they have to get there early for rehearsal

Nick: Pai there is no way in living hell I would miss your meet we are twins we are a team

Paisley: *hugs Nick* thank you Nicky

Nick: *hugs back* your welcome
*at the gymnastics meet*
Kevin: this is boring

Macy: Kevin we are here to support Paisley *mumbles under breath* even though I wanna kill her

Announcer: next on bars Paisley Jonas doing her routine she created called Pai Mania

Paisley: *Jump onto low bar Do 4 spins with legs spread out Jump to high bar do 4 more spins Go on low bar do one spin Go back on high bar do two spins then do two flips and land on the mat into a handstand*

Everyone: *cheers*

Announcer: and the winners is the LA girls

Paisley: *running up to family* we won we won we won

Nick: congratulations now let's get to the concert before it's to late
*at the concert*

Nick: for this last song it's a song I wrote for my twin sister Paisley in the background it will show a video of Pai through the years of her gymnastics I LOVE YOU PAISLEY MAE

Paisley:  *runs up on stage and hugs Nick and takes microphone* I LOVE YOU TOO NICHOLAS JERRY you are the best twin brother anyone could ask for I am staying here on stage just sing the song

Nick: *gives Paisley an evil look*

*they start singing feeling alive*

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