Maybe We're Not So Different After All

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Ashe ran down the corridor to the main entrance in his school. A few boys were chasing him. He had cuts and bruises all over his arms and legs. His lip was busted and his eyebrow was slit open. He had mud smudged all over his cheeks and forehead. Drowsiness took over his body as he lost his balance and fell onto the floor. He tried pulling himself up, but it was useless. Now bleeding significantly, Ashe staggered across the floor. "Please stop..." Those were the only words he managed to say before fainting.

Ashe woke up in a hospital bed. An IV was piercing a vain in his wrist. He was wearing a mask that provided him with oxygen. He looked over at a figure sitting in a seat next to the window. As eyes adjusted to the brightness of the sun's light, he saw that it was a young lady. She had big, beautiful, sparkling green eyes and silky brown hair that flowed over her shoulders. He had no idea as to who it was. "Oh, you're finally awake?" She spoke in a soft voice, noticing his confused expression.

"My name is Quinn, I'm in your class."

Ashe was a bit surprised to hear that, for he had never seen her before. The girl stood up and walked over to him. "How did you find me..?" He looked at her questionably. "The teacher had been helping me with something. Then when I was walking to the front entrance, I saw you there. You looked kinda dead at first." She replied while giggling as she spoke.

He sighed then smiled weakly at her. "Thank you." Quinn blushed a little then smiled back. "You're welcome." She walked over to the door. "I need to leave now, but I'll be back tomorrow to come and check on you." Ashe nodded then waved. She waved back.

"And maybe we could even be friends..!" Quinn had a silly grin on her face.

Ashe's got nervous and began to tremble. "Yeah... s-sure." The only friend that he's ever had betrayed him, so he didn't like the thought of becoming close with anyone.

As soon as Quinn exited the door, Ashe sighed and rubbed his eyes. Memories of his old friend came flooding into his mind. He covered his eyes with his hands and began to cry.

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