Chapter 5: In the Middle of the Night (Edited)

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"Mom! Alexia smells like spaghetti and meat -" Tyler screamed as I tried to shut him up before he shared the worst part of my day to my mom.

But it was too late. I heard footsteps coming from the kitchen, making their way towards us. In a matter of seconds, mom was standing in front of me and Tyler with my hand covering his mouth.

"Honey, what happened?" my mom asked, sighing. "Is that tomato sauce all over your shirt?"

There goes my effort of trying to keep what happened a secret. "Yup, and with some bits of meatballs too," I replied. "Oh would you look at that. It's in my hair too."

"Guess I'm not the messy eater anymore," Tyler giggled. "Let go of me, Alexia!"

"Tyler, honey, please go back to your room," mom replied. "Alexia, go and clean up."

Tyler stuck his tongue out at me and ran up the stairs. My mom shook her head in both amusement and disappointment as I rolled my eyes in annoyance. I gave my mom a quick, embarrassed smile before walking up the stairs to my room.

Everything happened swiftly in a blur. I ripped my stained, tomatoey clothes off me. I had to chuck those into the washer later. I ripped the shower curtain aside and stood under the shower. With the warm water hitting my skin, sending a relaxing sensation all around my body, I quickly scrubbed myself clean with my lathered lavender body wash and favorite shampoo.

An hour later, I changed into a pair of exercise shorts and a black sports bra paired with a loose, white tank top. I ran my towel down my hair several times before leaving it to dry by itself.

I made my way down the stairs to discard of my soiled clothes in the laundry room. After leaving the washer to do its job, I made my way to the kitchen. Mom stood in front of the stovetop with her back facing me. With my phone and earphones in hand, I pecked her on the cheek and made my way towards the back door.

"Where you headed, honey?" mom asked, still focused on smoking her salmon.

"I was just gonna go for a quick jog before dinner," I replied, placing an earbud into my left ear. "Do you need anything in the convenience store you want me to buy?"

"Thanks, honey," mom replied with a quick glance, "but I just went to the grocery this morning. What I need though is the story behind the spaghetti and meatballs."

I smirked and giggled at my mother's reply. "I'll let you in on the details after my jog. Anything else?"

"No homework?" She turned the salmon on the other side to smoke it.

"I might've done it during lunch," I replied, smiling sheepishly. "I couldn't get enough of Romeo and Juliet in English Lit. It was so tragic I loved it."

Mom smiled and chuckled. "Alright, honey. Jog safely and be back in time for dinner."


"So as I was walking back to my table, I bumped into this guy who was stupid enough to ride his skateboard in the middle of the cafeteria," I ran my jogging towel across my forehead, breathless. I don't know if I was breathless from running or telling the entire story to my mother in what seemed like one whole breath.

"I still don't get why you had spaghetti on you Alexia," Tyler butted in, innocence coating his voice and expression.

"That's because I was holding a food tray filled with spaghetti and the moment I fell, the spaghetti started to magically fly," I replied, pinching Tyler's tender cheeks. "And then the magic disappeared and the spaghetti fell on me."

"Cool!" Tyler screamed. "I want some magic spaghetti too, mom!"

Mom and I turned to face each other and chuckled together softly. "Sorry honey, but mommy doesn't have that kind of magic up her sleeve. My magic only makes food taste yummier and cupcakes and candies magically appear in the fridge."

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