little Tiki's past

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I bet you all have been wondering what happened in Tiki's past? Well here it's is!!

"Tiki! Get ready were leaving!"
"Sis? Why do you hate ma-"
"You mean horns? Because..."

She is starting to cry.

"Kitio? What's wrong?"
"Sniffs last night she...she...she... killed mom!"

Tiki is sad/mad

"But, she, no! She, she, wouldn't! Kitio!
Kitio.... sniffs she wouldn't!"
"I know! But I woke up and I heard a scream outside the house...on the hill."
"The hill? The hill?!? The sacred Naomi hill? No!"
"Yes...but...we have to accept it... But she is still here. Here take her necklace."

It's her seashell necklace with stones.

"No...I,I,I, can't."
"Take it, it's meant for you."

Tiki takes her mom's necklace

" one can win a argue with you. Hahaha"
"Funny...well get packed we're headed out right?"
"Yes...I can't live it the person who killed our mom. Here let me do our packing..."
"Ok...but I will help, we need to go fa-"

Kitio stops because Malifcent aka 'horns' walked in and interrupted her.

"What are you two doing!"
"We're going on a walk on the Naomi hi-"
"No! You, you can't! You, you....have chores to do!"
" Well I'm not doing them!"
"Tiki! How dare you! Well since you said that! You get triple the chores!"
"No! Ugh! Give me the chores!"

Horns is writing the 645 chores she needs to do

"Here! See how much you wanna push my buttons!"
Tiki has her mom's necklace on
"Gasp  where...did you...get that!"
Malifcent has her dark magic on Tiki so she's in the air.
"Put her down!I , I, know what you did last night!"
"I didn't do anything!"
"Yes, you... killed Mimi!"
"Your mom, my sister?! Haha why would you think...well I guess I'll tell you...Yes! Yes! I killed her!"
"And I will end this family! You never cared about me anyway!"

I will end this bc I'm needing you to feel the tense in the next part, and I want you to read!
Good luck enjoying the book

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