A morning and a bathroom

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I was woken up by the familiar sound of an annoying buzzer that I'd always use as my alarm back when... Back when everything was normal. I didn't want my first thought everyday to be "I'm not home", but I couldn't do much, since the fact that I have been asleep for years is... Well, there is no way in hell, I'd ever push that thought completely away. Even when I watch now old TV shows, when I read, this dreadful truth is in the back of my mind.

I stretched my hands and sat on my bed. It's been a few weeks, since I've been unfrozen and my muscles, although still weak, worked normally.  I turned my head and stared into a black square on the side of the wall. As if commanded by my thought, the square has lighted up, displaying image of beautiful tropical beach with tall and slim palms and turquoise water, disrupted by wild waves. It looked so real, that if I hadn't known that it's not a window, but a TV screen, I'd think I'm in some tropical paradise, which obviously wasn't true. I was in a hospital. Under observation, recovering after a century of cryogenic sleep. Normally, the TV/window would show what's outside, but for us, Unfrozen, as they call us, there wasn't such option. Guess it makes sense, they don't want us to freak out... And yes. Us. Apparently, as the creepy doctor (Augustus??) has told me, in years 2015-2020 around 50% of people aged between 15 and 60 that were pronounced dead at hospitals in developed countries, were actually hibernated as a last resort, however only under 1% of people survived. "You are truly a blessed girl, Ellie" they told me. I sighed and lied back down onto the bed. "Blessed?" I shook my head. "So why didn't I live my life normally and didn't die in like 2080 or something" I thought.

The bed was the most comfortable thing I've ever lied on. So soft and fluffy, I thought and kinda wished I never had to get up again.
I stood up, placed my feet onto warm tile floor and went towards a mechanical white wardrobe, cleverly hidden in the wall. It was flat, like if nothing was there, with an exception of a cyan-coloured control panel. Control panel to open a wardrobe. Humans really did become lazier and lazier with time... I didn't know if that's a good or bad thing.
"Good morning, miss Eleanor. What would you like to wear today, miss Eleanor?" asked me the robotic voice. It was basically a future version of Siri, Cara. Except... Cara controlled everything. For a person who lived in 21st century, usage of Cara shouldn't be tricky, we had similar AI programs after all, right?
"Hello, Cara, would you please give me a pair of jeans size-" I tried to say, but I got interrupted.
"I'm afraid, Ms Eleonor.  I'm afraid that I can't let you take "jeans" today. You need to choose modern clothes."
"Those are modern clothes" I said, but I knew I was wrong. Everything around me was modern. It's ME who was the antique. "No, don't say anything, Cara. Just... Give me whatever" I quickly added. The thing is, that this futuristic AI... It spoke almost like a human. It could sass you back, it could argue with you. I didn't feel like arguing with a wardrobe.
"Do you have any specific wishes, Ms Eleonor?" the wardrobe asked me while displaying a few examples of futuristic clothing.
"Just something comfortable" I answered. "That's all"
"Category: comfort. Randomising" the wardrobe made a couple of unusual noises and opened giving me a pair of plain black leggings, sporty lingerie, plain undershirt, pretty normal and seems like ageless stuff. When i wore it, it felt incredibly soft, but synthetic and elastic, it fit my body perfectly, revealing every single bone that sticked out of my body. I was really unused to seeing something like that. I looked almost anorectic, when... earlier... I shook my head. No more dwelling on the past. I had to get dressed. Eat breakfast. Start anew.
I picked up the rest of the outfit, namely, a jumper. It was... Obnoxious. It was in an incredibly vibrant colours, mint at the top and pink at the bottom, spearated by a line going from the bottom sideways till a pocket and then the line bended in around a 100 degree angle and went till the top of the jumper. When I picked it up, I realised how wide it was - I was sure, I'd be able to fit another 2 myselfs in it and still have plenty of space. The jumper also had a pleated, white back made from a very delicate, but not transparent material and no hood. As I tryed to put this on, the two parts disconnected, leading me to believe, that it was a sort of zipper... but without an actual zipper. I tried to close it, but... I had no idea how. Was it even supposed to close..? Was it ok for me to just leave wearing the open jumper and a tank top underneath...? Or would it be considered rude..? I've never felt so anxious about wearing a jumper in my life. No matter how I tried to tuck it in, it just fell apart again. I gave up and picked up plain black shoes and tried to put them on, but to my horror... They also had the weird zipper-not zipper thing. Which meant, the jumper should close. Would I be judged for not wearing it properly? I asked myself.
"H-how do I close the... zipper Cara?" I asked the wardrobe.
"You use the zipper, Ms Eleonor" it answered. How useful. How can I use the zipper, I don't know how? And my only tip is to use it. Sounds useless.
I tried to connect the sides, but nothing happened. I gave up after few other approaches and attempted to calmly leave the room and go to washroom, but the jumper just flew of me, when I walked. I put it one again, this time tying the two sides of the coat again, hoping it will stay there until somebody helps me.

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