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Many people are shipping JELSA (JACK + ELSA) And I like them both as a couple so I taught I will make a story of my own anyway their will be characters you will know.Anyway I hope all of you will like it.


A beautiful place in Arrendlle where a 2 beautiful princesses was born. The eldest daughter Elsa and her youngest sister Anna. Elsa was a girl who had magical ice powers.Anna is Elsa's sister the difference about them is that Anna was an ordinary girl who had no magical powers. They were both really close they also both like making snowman and that snowman is OLAF who likes warm hugs. But their was a time Elsa accidentally struck Anna in the head their parents went to the trolls to heal Anna but the magic must be removed not Elsa's powers but Anna will not remember that Elsa has powers, and that Elsa cannot go near or play or hangout with her because she is afraid that she will hurt Anna again. The troll who healed Anna told her parents and Elsa that the head can be healed but the heart cannot be easily persuaded and Anna when she grew up she had the frozen heart but luckilly she survived it by her sister Elsa who did the act of true love to save her sister




Elsa, Anna,Kristoff and Olaf were playing it was snowy in the afternoon they were throwing snowballs and skating around and hanging out. Anna and Kristoff was gonna go somewhere after they hangout. Anna told Elsa that they were gonna go somwhere if it is okay (Elsa Smiled) and said of course where are you both going anyway? Elsa asked then Anna said just gonna go and walk and buy things Anna said with a smile.Wait Elsa and Olaf ummm why don't you both come? Kristoff said. The Elsa answered it's okay I'm fine I just ummm wanna be with myself in the garden but you can go now and have fun together with Olaf.Then Olaf said are you sure Elsa I can stay with you if you like.No it's okay Olaf (Elsa smiling) go and have fun I'll be in the garden if you need me.Okay Elsa (Anna and Elsa hugging) bye Elsa said Olaf,Kristoff and Anna said (OLAF AND KRISTOFF BOWING TO QUEEN ELSA AND SMILING). Elsa smiling back BYE! TAKE CARE AND HAVE FUN Elsa said, and Anna, kristoff and Olaf left.


Ummmm Anna is your sister okay? Kristoff asked. I think so maybe she's just tired we did so many activities and keep on throwing snowballs (Anna gigiled).Yeah Olaf said ummm Kristoff where's Sven Olaf asked. Ohhh his sleeping he is so tired. Okay Olaf said. Heyyy guys why don't we buy Elsa gifts. Sure! Kristoff and Olaf said.


Elsa was just sitting at a glassy and preety chair she closed her eyes and remembered that when she was a girl before she struck Anna when they were kids she saw a boy a cute boy who had white hair a barefooted guy who had teeth white as snow and had a cute smile. When remembering this a not so strong wind happened. Then she felt something she felt a snowball hit her she remembered that kind of snowball it was JACK FROST. She saw him and smiled hi Jack.Umm hi Elsa Woahhhh your looking great today. Elsa giggiled thanks you look handsome I miss you Jack it's been a long time.Ummm thanks Elsa (JACK BECOMES SHY) ummm I miss you too and you look preety in your new blue dress.Thanks Jack made it myself. yeah I saw you made it in your ice castle (Jack said with a smile).You saw me? Elsa asked. Of course I'm always right by your side Ummm Elsa can I asked you on a date (JACK ASKED SHYLY). Of course Elsa said with a smile A boy who is always by my side can deffinitley have a date with me (Elsa smiled). Yahooo Jack said happily come on let's have fun.Okay Elsa said happily then Jack threw a snowball at Elsa then Elsa made a gigantic snowball and chased Jack they had so much fun and Jack said I'll pick you at 7:00 tomorrow.Okay Elsa said happily then they played and played.


Hey guys what should be the perfect gift for Elsa? Olaf asked. Ummm why don't we buy Elsa flowers like lilies Kristoff said.That's great Kristoff I heard that's Elsa's favorite flowers Olaf said.What about you Anna what are you going to buy for your sister Elsa? Olaf asked.Ummm I'm going to buy her chocolates Anna said happiliy.What about you Olaf what are you going to buy for Elsa? Anna and Kristoff asked.Ummm a mug a colorful mug and I'm going to paint it Olaf said. That's nice Olaf I'm sure she will love it Anna and Kristoff said with a smile. it took 3 of them 30minutes to get their presents for Elsa and for Olaf to finish his gift for Elsa,and took them another 30 minutes to go home in the castle and have more fun.


The gaurd great them Good afternoon Princess Anna, Prince Kristoff and Sir Olaf. Good afternoon also 3 of them said smiling.(ENTERING THE CASTLE) Anna saw Elsa and Jack playing and throwing snowballs when Anna saw them she giggiled and smiled at Elsa and Jack. Hi said Anna,Kristoff and Olaf said.Hello said Anna and Jack.Ummm you can see me? Jack asked. Of course everyone said then Elsa spoke people beleive in you now everyone does Elsa said with a smile.Then Jack smiled ummm I'm gonna go somewhere nice meeting all of you then Jack hugged Elsa and whispered see you tomorrow then waved at them then Anna,Kristoff and Olaf said nice meeting you then Elsa said bye Jack see you tommorrow then Jack flew. I think my sister found her true love Elsa giggled ohhh Anna his the one I love him so much and guess what were going on a date Elsa smiled.What really that's amazing Anna said happily.Umm guys I think I'm gonna go with Kristoff and feed Sven we will catch up with you guys at dinner time Olaf said.Bye said Anna and Elsa. Umm Elsa so are you excited about tomorrow? Anna asked.Yeah and I'm a little bit nervous Elsa said shyly.That's okay remember when Kristoff asked me on a date our first date to be exact but you help me and told me just be me and stay calm and our date went great that's all you need to do Elsa okay Anna said with a smile.Thanks Anna (Elsa smiled back) come let's get inside and eat it's getting dark.Okay Anna said


So how was your day this afternoon Anna,Kristoff and Olaf. It was fun but it would be more fun if you had joined us Olaf said.Ohhh I'm sorry I just got tired because you all were good throwers of snowballs (Elsa smiled).Then they all laughed and smiled.Then Kristoff said we bought gifts for you then he gave Elsa the lilies and said I heard this were your favorite flowers.Their lovely thank you so much Elsa said.Then Olaf gave the mug to Elsa and said made it myself.Then Elsa said thank you very much your such a good artist Olaf thank you I love it.Then Anna gave Elsa the chocolates they loved since they were kids.Thank you Anna I love them so much thanks everyone for your gifts Elsa said happily. Well goodnight everyone Elsa said. Good night Anna,Kristoff and Olaf said. Ohh and good luck on your date tomorrow Anna,Kristoff and Olaf said. Thanks guys Elsa said and giggled a little it's a big day tomorrow Elsa said with a big smile

Thanks guys for reading hope you all enjoyed it I will do my best for the next chapter :)

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