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*Hey guys, my name is Tay and I have started working on this story since last semester, becuase I was in English and was really inspired to write a story. I am only a sophmore, so it wont be very good. All the characters were inspired by my friends in my English class and Mr.Reel (MFMG) was a substitute teacher at the time and he had a wicked handle bar mustache. A warning ahead of time, there is swearing and I kinda haven't finished writting the story so I don't know if there will be anyhting else innaproppriate and the keyboard i used sucks , so a lot of words are probably mis spelled so please read and enjoy *

                                                                                                                                                                                               -Tay :)

        I can hear the waves crashing and the wind blowing, but I can't see any people. I haven't seen very many people since the SU-Virus break out. The only people I see are the people in our group, or what I like to call, the Pack. We are pretty much family now. I think it's been about a year, maybe two, since that fucking asteriod hit Earth. Oh, I'm sorry. My name is Rebecca. I'm a leader of the Pack. The other two leaders are William, he NEVER buttons up his shirt, and Jack, his full name is Jack Hoff but using full names are overrated now that the world is ending. We are pretty reasonable leaders, I mean, we're fun still, but it's our job to keep everyone alive. Everyone in the Pack have certain jobs to help survive. We got the suppliers/gatherers, which are Star and Mona, We have Kathy the doctor, Chef; which you can tell by his name that he is the chef, and last we have Andy. He's only seven but he is also Monas son, so we just put him on look-out.

         I really like William. I think he likes me too, but I can't tell. He flirts with me like crazy, but I always catch him flirting with Star and Kathy also. I know that him and Kathy are partners, but that doesn't give him the opporitunity to flirt with every female in the Pack. I haven't been able to trust guys any more anyways...

         Before the SU-Asteriod hit, when I was able to talk to my best friend without being eaten alive, I dated a guy who cheated on me...We dated for 5 years and he was cheating on me that entire time. Just because of that stupid ass-hole I haven't dated anyone since. Dating right now isn't the best thing to worry about anyways.

         I should probably talk about the SU-Virus. Well, an asteriod hit Earth and scientists decided to call it the SU-Asteriod because of the newly discovered virus that was on it. A few weeks later, people started eating other people in a small town in Maryland, then it was allof Maryland, then the entire United States, and finally, the whole World. Now the world is ending and I feel like the Pack contains the only non-infected humans in the world. Luckily, I'm immune to the SU-Virus, I'm not sure if anyone else in the Pack is also immune, but so far no one is infected.

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