Chapter 1: Rebecca and William

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       We had a close encounter with death last week. We were at an airport somewhere in California when we saw a plane going torwards the runway. We thought it was rescue be we were wrong. The plane crashed. No one left the plane and the plane didn't explode, so William, Jack and I searched inside. We enter the plane and everyone on the plane died on impact. That's not the worse part. Everyone were non-infected survivors.

       Everyone is still pretty shook up about the accident, but they'll get over it soon. We're all well into our twenties, except for Chef, he's like in his thirtees. Ever since the Pack got together we had two missions. To find survivors and find the man who brought the SU-Virus out of the lab and started this living hell. Last we heard the mans name was Mr.Reel ( the group calls him Mr.Fancy Mustache Guy because of his AWESOME mustache, MFMG for short ) and that he was in Maryland, the same town that the SU breakout started. No one knows if he's dead or not because it's been like two years since we gathered that information. All we want from him is a cure...

        "Rebecca! Rebecca! " I hear the door slam open and see William running in.

         " What is this I hear about you being pregnant?" I sit their a few seconds, trying to soak in the question. Then finally i say,

         " William, I have many answers to that question. One, I am not  pregnant, and two, you're a dumb fuck. We are in a group of eight, with four males, who am i going to have sex with? We don't have time to mess around when the world is filled with mad cannibals, and why would you care if i was pregnant or not??

        There is an awkward silence  for a while untill William yells out,

        " Ok...I understand now..." I watch him leave and yell at Jack for lying again and I silently giggle to myself.

        William has been acting a little mushy lately. He wanted to sleep in my room with me the other night. Yes, he is incredibly hot, but his inner image is uglier than the devil himself. I have had thoughts of kicking him out of the Pack, but that would be a stupid move. He is one of the best fighters we have and I,sadly, really like him, so I don't want to take my chances.

         I walk out of the motel lobby and go outside to see Jack and William wrestling in front of my truck.

         " Hey boys! watch out for my truck unless you guys want to be left here!" I say that and they slowly stop.

         " Alright guys,in three days we going to pack u and get the hell out of here to go to vegas. We are going to leave behind the ambulance and take Jacks truck and my truck. If we want to survive we need to leave beind as much shit as possible. So Kathy,  you need to move you supplies to one of our trucks. William, Star and I will be in my truck and the rest of you will ride with Jack. We leave when the sunrises and if you're not ready, we will leave you. I'm not going to be reminding anyone."

         " Thats the benifits of having these people in the Pack because they all listen quite well to instructions, but are all still themselves. I love every one of them like my brother or sister. I see William walking torwards me and I can't happen to notice that is shirt is buttoned up. He approches me like a gentleman.

         "Rebecca, we have known eachother for a few years now and I have..." His words start to fade out when I Star, Jack and Mona watching us and whispering. Something strange that I see is Kathy with her arms crossed and looking very pissy. Williams words start to fade back,

         "...And I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?" I snap back to reality and all he does is smile and say,

          " You were spacing out  again, weren't you, ha ha, typical Rebecca. I just asked if you want to go on a date with me?"  I'm stilltrying to except the fact that he actually just asked me that.

         " Oh, I don't know. WIth a bunch of sombies around and all, I think that would be nothing but a distraction." I say confidently. I see his smile go away and he looks at the floor and says

         " Oh, okay, I guess when the world is ending my chances are lower anyways."(What the hell am I saying? Thye world is ending and I just denied that hottest dude in it, thart I actually like!)

          "But yes, I would love to TRY a date." He smiles and leaves. We are in the same motel, so I guess it's fine if he doesn't tell me what time.

          It is officially night time and William still hasn't gotten me yet. I hear a pounding at my door and as soon as I am about to answer it, William breaks in. I grab my weapon belt, load my pistol and exit with William.

          We go to the motel lobby for our date and William made it very beautiful. I see lit candles, roses and there is romantic music playing, but then I suddenly remembered that corpses are attracted to light and sound; oh who gives a damn.

          We talked for while,mostly about our lives before the apocolypse started. His back story is awful, no wonder why he's such a dick to everyone. It starts of with him as a baby, of course. HIs parents abandoned him at a foster home, where he was then adopted by abusive parents. From ages four to thirteen he was beaten, untill he ran away from home, and because of his scaring past, he can't really remember much after that. Wow, now I feel really bad for being so rude to him. He asks me my backstory, but I told him that i didn't want to talk about it.

           A few hours have passed and something sudden happened...

            " Will you dance with me?"

            " Why? " I ask

            He responds with " Because I want to dance with you.The world is ending, so can you do just this one thing for me?" I agreed to do it. We get up, join hands, and start swaying to the music. It's one of the most romantic moments of my life. My head is on his shoulder, but then I look at him and he's staring into my eyes. My tummy is churning and huge, metal butterflies are fluttering around in my stomach. I see him close his eyes and go in for a kiss. I close mine and also move in. Our lips are so close that i can feel his breath, but then he jerks back really fast and looks around.

             " Whats wrong?" I ask. He doesn't respond, but then I hear a loud banging noise and I get my gun ready.I look at William and he looks back at me while he gets his pistols out. He takes the lead with me following close behind him. We get to a closet that had all the noise and we quickly glance at eachother. William gently, but sternly grasps the door knob. He slowely opens the closet when it is suddenly slammed open by a Thinker.

                 It screams the loudest scream that I have ever heard.

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