5: First Mission

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5: First Mission

Connor Rogers

I walked through the glass doors, back slouched, my feet dragging sluggishly across the marble floor. I flopped down in my seat next to TJ and started flipping through a magazine I had bought yesterday.

A stack of papers landed on my desk with a heavy thump and I looked up. TJ nodded at it simply and walked off. I watched him resume his seat before looking down at the work he had given me.

The report for the weaponry check-up. I groaned in annoyance, before getting to work.

It had been three months since I had started working under Aaron’s commands, and I had already realized it wasn’t exactly Mission Impossible being an FBI agent. We had barely gotten any missions at all; it would always be given to Simmons’ team, since his team was the most experienced. All we would get were questioning suspects and escorting criminals to jail.

But on the up side, I had learnt so much more about my teammates. It turned out that Aaron only liked to recruit people with a strange background.

I found out that Leila was from a family with seven brothers, and that was how she had gotten so good at fighting. Her family was poor, so her two oldest brother, Steve and Percy, had a record of stealing, and Leila was once involved with the crime.

Max’s family was quite wealthy, but he had run away from home when he was twelve, because he wouldn’t approve of his stepmother. He had had a record of sexual assault against women twice his age back then, but he was a completely changed man now. He even had a very sweet and pretty girlfriend called Chloe.

TJ once had depression. He claimed that he was slightly gothic in high school, and that he had actually considered killing himself once. His half-sister was the person who had saved him from his pit of misery, and he was slowly changing now.

Yeah, no wonder I was on Aaron’s team now.

"'Morning, guys," Max drawled, practically crawling into the room in exhaustion. He flopped down in his seat opposite mine, his head killing back with a heavy groan. But as I snuck a peek at him, I saw that ghost of a smile that had become so familiar to me.

A night out ending with a wild night with Chloe.

Smirking suggestively, I decided to say, "Chloe any good?" I barely had time to hide my laughter when Max's head shot back up, a dark shade of red gushing on his cheeks.

Guess I was right.

"Guys, I can't take this anymore!" I looked up at the sound of Leila's grumble from behind several mountains of papers. I didn't even notice she was here.

"This is too boring!" She continued ranting, pushing herself back from the desk, "I mean, I thought being an agent would be so kickass, but it's just as boring as any other job! Why can't we get any action like Simmons' team?"

"What do they have?" I asked, suddenly curious.

"Murder cases, saving hostages, protecting the President, I don't know!" Leila blurted, hands running through her wild hair, "everything that I want to do!"

"Why don't we ask Aaron?" I suggested, "I'm sure he can get us a good case or two."

"I'm sorry, guys, but I can't help," Aaron apologized with a shrug and a slight grimace, "normally Sergeant Simmons take the big games. He's more experienced after all."

I noticed the slight twitch of the corner of his lips and immediately realized that Aaron was actually against this fact as well.

"Why's that?!" Leila pressed, "they're the FBI, we're the FBI, there's no difference who takes the case! So why do we only get the small fries and they get the big guns?!"

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