the day i saw an angel

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blurb; awake - jin


He was the most hipster thing I've ever seen it almost made me laugh out loud.

As I sat on my favorite window seat in the café, I mindlessly watched him. His dyed platinum blonde hair that fell on his head like some stupid upside down bowl of white straight noodles, his inside-out white pullover hoodie... I mean, who can pull that off? He looked like he was just out of bed yet every hair on his head was in place.

I didn't know why I kept watching. I was supposed to be reading, but somehow, I could hear his silent humming from across the room and my ears demanded me to listen intently. He was on the low stage the café had for acoustic performers, where he put a leather sofa and sat on one of its arms and it seems that he's today's star. Tuning his guitar, he held his face down and turned the knobs to adjust the tone.

Still looking down, he cleared his throat as if he was shy. Then, he slowly raised his face and talked into the microphone.

I couldn't hear him. Apparently for humans, when one of your senses gets overwhelmed, the others stop working. In my case, it was my eyes that couldn't adjust to what it was seeing. You can laugh at me all you want. Say I was exaggerating. But you didn't see him the way I did.

His pale, pinkish white skin looked like it glowed dimly through the surface. Lips so plump and red, mine would pale in comparison. Eyes that promised every good thing in this part of the multiverse, they looked far away and I wondered what I would feel if I looked into them. It took me almost a minute to take his features in, feeling like I was looking at the face of an angel.

It was stupid of me but it's not every day I see someone this gorgeous, and it's not as if I was gonna do something about it. I'd probably ogle at him the whole afternoon yet he won't spare me a glance. I was fine with that; he was too pretty for me.

He started singing and something squeezed my chest. He looked so soft and sad somehow, singing something in Korean, I assume and even though I couldn't understand the words, a profound sorrow washed over me and my chest ached. I was aching for him.

It reached the chorus and he sang in English. I couldn't help but close my eyes as I let the melody and his emotions take me.

Maybe I can never fly... Maybe I can't touch the sky...

I looked at him again, his eyes shut as he sang. I had the sudden urge to stand, walk over to where he was and hug him. Tell him that things are going to be fine. That he'll be able to fly.

How couldn't he, when he looked and sounded like an angel?

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