who saves who

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Taehyung pauses, taking in the loud, adoring crowd. He felt ecstatic, yet at the same time wrong. Guilt was lacing through his veins, hiding through his words every time he sings into the microphone. His voice, though in peak condition, didn't sound anything like him at all. He always growled in his songs, when his heart wants to sing ballad.

He felt as though he was betraying himself—no, he was betraying himself, forcing himself to believe that he wanted to make this kind of music. This is what the crowd wanted; this is what they loved him for.

He smiled at his fans and the lights on the stage went out, signaling the end of his performance. He slowly made his way backstage, the group of backup dancers shuffling along with him. Everybody was rejoicing, proud of the great show except him... No. There was another one.

Taehyung found himself wondering what could be the reason one of his backup dancers stood on a corner with his head low, sorrow evident from his features. For a while, he thought they mirrored each other. He walked by without realizing, clearing his throat before saying, "You did great tonight, Jimin-ssi."

He was met by brown eyes that reflected disappointment, sorrow, and shame in one agonizingly beautiful look. But as Jimin recognized him, the look was gone in a second Taehyung almost thought he just imagined the sadness. Jimin smiled at him, his eyes almost disappearing with the smile. He bowed, "Thank you so much. You did great, too."

Before Taehyung could say anything else, Jimin turned away and quickly made his way back to where the rest of the group was.

For the whole ride back to the studio, Taehyung was preoccupied with Jimin. He has always been a remarkable dancer, always on the front lines in his routines. It bothered him that Jimin wasn't pleased about how great he performed—much like how Taehyung felt guilt about his own singing.

Saying goodnight to his managers and the rest of the team, Taehyung made his way up his room, just a floor above his studio. He was supposed to stay at a hotel tonight, since he'll be flying overseas tomorrow, yet he insisted on staying the night in his sleeping quarters in the studio. He wanted time to think.

He made coffee for himself, getting ready for a long night—he knew he won't get to sleep with the thoughts swimming in his head right now when suddenly, he felt the bass.

Music was playing through the floor from under him. Someone was in the studio and playing loud music. The room was almost soundproof, meaning if the sound came through, it would be because it's so loud.

He silently made his way down, cracking the door open by an inch. The earsplitting sound was the first thing he noticed. Next thing he saw was the sole figure standing in the middle of the room, a solitary light illuminating it.

The figure moved with unbelievable grace, his limbs fluidly moving with every step. His movements matched every beat of the music, and as well as the emotion. He could feel the longing in the way his arms were stretched, fingers reaching out for something unknown. He could feel the pain and anger in the force in his step, the way his muscles tensed with the locks.

He felt as though he was watching raw grief in the form of dance.

The music stopped and so did the figure. It maintained its last position, chest heaving from the strain.

"That was beautiful..." he found himself saying.

The figure was startled and he realized why the sadness in the way he danced was familiar—he had seen the exact emotion a few hours ago in the eyes of someone. Jimin faced him and immediately bowed.

"Taehyung-ssi! I'm sorry! I didn't know you were staying here tonight. I must've disturbed you with the music. I'll clean this all up right away and go."

"No, it's fine. Stay." Taehyung made his way to the component, checking the music he played.

Save Me (demo)

"What song is this? I don't think I've heard it anywhere," he turned down the volume and played it, the notes overlapping and intertwining into a heavy, emotional ballad.

"A friend wrote it for me as a gift." Jimin's voice was a few feet behind him, low and almost inaudible.

It all clicked into place in Tae's mind. "And this is the kind of music you want to dance to, not mine."

"No, no. It's not that..."

"I understand." He faced Jimin. "I don't like my music, too. It doesn't...feel like...me."

He felt a single, hot tear fall and make its way down his cheek as he looked into Jimin's eyes, which has tears threatening to fall in them, too. Their eyes reflected each other, seeing the same things in different perspectives; pain, desperation and most of all, helplessness.

After a never-ending second, they heard each other say, "Save me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2017 ⏰

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