Chapter: 2

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"Hey...again. Okay. Um...Could you get a pen and a piece of paper to take down my ID and then give me yours?" he said, getting straight to the point.

That voice was still sending shivers down my spine and was making it real hard for me to focus on what I was supposed to be doing. I scrambled around for a pen and paper and scribbled down the ID in a hurry. It was pathetic how I couldn't even hold a pen properly or, much less, pen down anything, without it looking like a prescription written down by a senior doctor.

I gave him mine then, but he didn't get it right the first time. I guess my nerves were too knotted up to even speak sensibly. Oh wow. How very charming! Or it must be because I'm a fast-speaker. But I bet on my chocolate chip cookies that it's the former.

"I'm sorry, um....Miss. Thomson, but could you please repeat that again?" he asked.

What the...?! "Miss. Thomson"?! Was this dude for real? Somebody please tell me that I was hallucinating when he just called me that. I turned to look at my mom with a 'what the duck' face and she just gave me a confused smile in response. I shook my head to shake that thought away as I repeated my ID again, slower, making sure not to mess it up again this time.

We tried to get the Skype thingy to work, but our network was somehow screwed up as the contact requests wouldn't get sent to either side. And it was getting on both our nerves. Finally, we decided to switch over to good ole' Gtalk. And thankfully, that worked. Because, I couldn't stand talking to him for another minute. Anymore, and I'm pretty sure I'd have collapsed from tachycardia.

And the video thingy didn't work either. Which, in turn, meant that we couldn't see them and vice versa. Yay-Nay moment, folks. They won't get to see us (yay!) and I won't see them (nay!).

I'd look like a tomato to him, if he were to see me now, since I bet I was that flushed from all that 'heat'. And girls, you don't want to look like crap to a potentially handsome guy, right? Yeah. I mean it. From what I have seen, aunt was a stunner back in the day and uncle looked "dope".

Do some progeny creation in your brains, my lovely Bio-nerds. And Voila! You see what I'm hinting at? Okay. I'm deviating. But, seriously. You do get the picture, don't you?

I handed the phone quickly to my mom, after letting him know that, and scooted away to the safety of my chambers. I'd picked up my mobile with still shaky hands to see that Suze, had left me a couple of offline texts asking where I'd run off to mid-chat.

I opened up her message window and saw the green dot beside her name which meant that she was online. I replied with a "sorry" and told her that I'd be calling her up, which I did, and that it was urgent. I began gushing about what had happened to Suze who found all of this very amusing, much to my horror.

"Suze! Be serious, chica! It ain't funny... it's a matter of life and death. Literally," I whined.

She tried to stop her laughing bout and brought it down to chuckles instead. I still didn't find any of this amusing. I nearly died back there and this woman, whom I call my besty, was laughing at my sad plight. Like, seriously?

"Suze...what's funny?" I asked in a deathly calm voice.

Oh. So now, I can sound calm. You see, my timing has always been impeccable like that.

"He called you 'Miss. Thomson'! Hahaha... Come on Cathy, you've got to admit it, that's just epic! Of all the things a guy like him, could have called you, it had to be that. I already like this guy! If he keeps this up with you, I'm going to have a jolly good entertainment," she said, still chuckling.

"Suze...I'm warning you. Don't make me come over there and set fire to your hair extensions," I said, an evil smile playing on my lips, "And by the way, I don't know what is up with that name either. But, in a weird, twisted way, I kind of like it."

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