Chapter 22: Cooling Down

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~Suga's POV~

I looked out the glass window, seeing Jungkook leaving Soo Ah. I could see her looking broken as her hands slowly dropping to her sides.

Then I narrowed my eyes as Jungkook entered back inside. I down my last shot glass and got up to approach him.

"Suga, where are you going?" J-Hope asked. But I ignored him.

Jungkook looked up at me, "Oh, hyung.. Are you not enjoying the food?"

"How could you leave her like that.." I growled.

Jungkook blinked, "I-"

I pushed him out of my way, then opened the door to rush to Soo Ah.

"Soo Ah.." I softly said but she didn't bother to look at me. "Are you feeling okay? Did he hurt you?"

Soo Ah slowly brought up her head. The tears flooding in her eyes, then escaping to stream down as I watched. I walked closer to her as she sniffled.

"Ani... I-I'm just happy that I found out the truth.."

"Then why are you crying?"

"I'm not sure.. But I need to fix our relationship, Yoon Gi. I need to fix it.." Soo Ah's voice cracked.

I sighed, grabbing her and wrapping my arms around her. I had another hand placed over her head as she buried her face over my chest.

"Mian haeyo honey.. Everything seems like my fault!"

"Why would it be your fault? You haven't done anything wrong to Jungkook.."

"If only I never met Jungkook, and Taehyung, we wouldn't be in this mess.."

"If you never met them, then you would've never met me." I commented, pulling her away to see her wet eyes. "Let's forget everything for now, okay? This isn't good for the baby."

Soo Ah slowly nodded and I wrapped my arm around her waist as we went back inside.

~Taehyung's POV~

"Please excuse me as well." I said, getting up from my seat and pulling Jungkook behind me to the restroom.

I closed the door behind me and looked back at Jungkook as he went to the sink.

I stared at him, as he turned on the faucet to cold water and splashing his face.

"Why did you make the truth sound so harsh." I frowned.

Jungkook lifted his head, staring down, "I didn't know how to put the words together. But I think you should go outside and check up on Soo Ah."

"You could've been nice, Kookie. She's a soft girl. Just wait until hyung punishes you." I growled at him, and marching out.

What an idiot.

Soo Ah looked down at her hands, Suga hyungs arm around her waist. I stared at them, and J-Hope turned to face me.

"Oh Taehyung, is Jungkook alright?"

I pulled up a smile, "Yes, he just needs to freshen up."

Soo Ah looked up and I softly smiled back at her.

How could he hurt someone like you..? You're too irresistible..

~Jungkook's POV~

Taehyung left. I wiped my face with my hands and looked up at my reflection.

"He was right.. I should've been nicer... Why am I like this?!"

I pulled away from the sink and grabbing a paper towel.

I clenched my fist, "Why am I such a fool? Why am I such an idiot?! Why did even-... Aish!" I screamed, pulling a fist against the wall.

Warm tears streamed down my cheeks as I looked down at the flooded sink.

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