Fifteen: A New Friendship Or..

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❁ Kimberly Wales ❁

Another day had passed and I can't believe Tyler said he likes me.

I never heard from my chat mate after that.

I logged in yesterday but he isn't online.

I wonder why.

I checked his profile and he changed his name to--


It sent tingles and shivers down my spine.

Tyler you.. why are you so daring?!

Haha, feeler much?

My name is not written but I already felt like I was the one being talked about.

I went down to eat my breakfast before I immerse myself in total silence in hours and hours of computer time.

"How's my cooking?" Mom asked.

I dropped my fork and stared at the piece of bacon and two sunny side up eggs on my plate and panicked,

"No way. I might get a stomach ache, shoot! Mom! Why didn't you tell me you cooked this?"

"That was very rude, Kimberly!" Mom pouted.

I gulped down some Harvey Fresh orange juice and I don't think it's going to help my stomach ache later.

**Ding Dong**

"Answer the door, Kimberly!" Mom said, whilst she wash the dishes in our kitchen.

"Sure, sure." I compliantly replied, dragging my feet to the door.

When I opened the door, the bitten toast from my mouth fell on the carpet infront of our front door as my jaw dropped.

"Hi Kim." A familiar face smirked.

I quickly held the door knob and about to close the door but he stopped it with his foot.

His dark brown spiky hair looking all neat and tidy while his forehead drips of cold sweat.

An evil smirk formed in his very sexy face.

I have to admit somehow, I was really attracted.

"What are you doing?!" I sternly asked.

"Nothing.." He jokingly replied.

"I'm serious."

"Do I look like I'm doing anything?" He sarcastically answered.

"Ugh. You are so hateful."

"I know." He grinned.

"Kimberly, what's taking so long? You've been on the door for like five minutes.. are you talking to some guy again?" Mom shouted from the kitchen.

"No mom, just the mail man." I shouted back.

"Mail man? Is there a mail man this hot?" He doubted the mail man's looks and said it in a very boastful way.

Yep, the guy infront of my doorstep right now is none other but Troy.

"Oh please, I would choose any mail man over that face of yours." I scoffed.

"You're so mean." He pouted.

"Well, why are you here? And how do you know where I live?" I said, changing the topic so that I would know what the hell is he doing infront of my house.

"I want to be friends."

I raised one brow in confusion and answered,

"You've got to be kidding me."

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