Epilogue: Jab Hum Live-In!

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It's been three months since Shivika got back from London. Both their families accepted Shivika's relationship as they realized the changes that relationship brought in their childs' lives. They were happier, more understanding and more motivated in life than ever before. They successfully got over their bitter breakup and moved on with each other in a very graceful manner.

The first month after coming back from London was still their semester break. In this first month, they had introduced each other to their family and one's family to the other. Both the families get along very well. Shivaay become everyone's favourite in Anika's house, especially her youngest brother Saahil and likewise, Anika also became everyone's favourite in Shivaay's house. They spent most of the time together and when they are not together, they spoke on phone.

During the second month, their 8 week long semester break was over and they were getting busy in their studies. Assignments and tutorials were piling up. They hardly get to meet each other and speaking on phone also become difficult. Both missed the other way too much, but this didn't stop them from fullfilling their responsibility towards their studies.

In the third month, both have had enough of the unbearable distance between each other. During one of their weekly Saturday night catch-up, both expressed their feelings to each other. They were at Shivaay's house on that night. Dadi who was passing by the poolside area overheard their conversation. She then stepped in.

'I hope I'm not disturbing you lovebirds right?', she asked while entering.

'Dadi?! No! Not at all!', both replied in unison.

'Actually, I overheard your conversation with each other. I'm just so happy that this distance is here between the two of you', she exclaimed.

Shivika looked at Dadi confused.

'What I'm trying to say is that this distance is essential in your relationship. Now tell me, three months ago, when you expressed your feelings to each other, you realised that you love each other. But you didn't know how much and how important you guys are to each other. Now, with the help of this little distance, you both are aware of how much you love each other and life without them is something unimaginable, right?', Dadi asked.

Shivika looked at each other, smiled, and nodded.

'But Dadi, we have had enough of this distance. We used to meet each other everyday before this but now meeting even once a week is becoming thougher. What can we do?', Shivaay asked.

'I can't believe that you guys are asking me!!! Harrey!!! You both are new generation kids. Do I even have to help you in this??? Just get into a live-in relationship na!', Dadi suggested very coolly.

Dadi's suggestion made Shivika to open their mouth in a perfect O shape. 'Dadi???!!!' both said disbelievingly.

'What Dadi?? I'm a very modern person okay! My thinking is very much modernised alright? You should be lucky to have me as your Dadi! I'm the best Dadi in the world!!!', she self-praised herself.

Shivika said 'really you are the best Dadi in the world' and hugged her smilingly. Dadi kissed them both on their foreheads and left the lovebirds alone.

'So live-in?', Shivaay asked.

'Yeah! Looks like it!', she replied with a smile.

Since their respective apartments are at two corners of the city which is near to their university, Shivika decided to get a new apartment which is in the midpoint. Shivika then went out for apartment hunting. After seeing several places, they finally liked an apartment.

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