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The major problem with society is society. society wants us to be the perfect humans. wants us to do things a certain way, wants us to act a certain way. wants us to do things that we would never do. society ruins humanity. This generation will be the death of the world. its already the death of many other humans.

the hate, the discrimination, the bullying, the desires to look perfect. this is what society has brought among us.

Society has told our generation that to make it in the world you must dress a certain way. You must speak a different way. You must look perfect, act perfect, and be perfect.

Society tells us that no one will care about us unless we reach their standards.

The standards of always looking perfect

it teaches us that no one will truly care and love us unless we cake up our faces and use surgery procedures to become that "perfect person"

that's a lie. doing all that will not make you beautiful, beauty is not on the outside , beauty is on the inside. No one can change who you really are. You are perfect the way you were made and will always be perfect.

don't the the hell bound place we call Earth change you. stay you and stay true.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2017 ⏰

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