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(author note: chapter named by peachbleach_ ty dear friend )

this was going to a problem.

jawhyun could hardly stand being in the same room as taeyong anymore. his skin itched whenever taeyong tocuhed him, it left him craving more. but he didnt know what more of? was he craving icecream? idfk

but he knew one thing for certain, this was too much.

taeyong in one of his happy moods was galloping around the kitchen like a horse on steroids, singing the 5th track from their album cherry bomb "whiplash". he was cooking some grade A five star gourmet dinner for the group and whatever it was he was making smelled tasty af. but jaehyun wasnt paying much mind to the food, his attention was on the 5 yr old trapped in a handsome korean boy's body. he must've been grinning like an idiot cuz taeyong paused momentarily when their gazes locked. but that didnt last long before taeyoggi grabbed a hand towel from the kitchen counter and twisted it.

jaehoney watched him with an confused expression and only realized what he was doing once it happened. right as taeyong sang the chorus lyric "shorty give me, whip-whiplash" he snapped the towel and lashed jaehyun on the forearm.

jaehun's breath hitched. his eyes were wide, like a frisbee. taesong stopped serenading him, his own eyes wide like a frisbee. but a blue frisbee, because he still had his finding dora blue contacts in. they both stared into each others eyes, the whole atmosphere turning tense, just like jaehyun's forearm after being thwaped by taeyong. that familiar heat returned to jaehyuns body. this time it was more intense than before. less like being drowned in a hot tub and more like thrown into a volcano. his ears were on FIRE, his throat tiGHT, his thighs QUIVERINg. and yet he couldnt look away from those enormous tennis ball shaped blues clues colored orbs.

"mOM! whens dinner!!?" a familiar voice cried from another room. it was merk, being the baby of the group as usual. his sudden outburst broKe the tension between jaehynn and taeyogn.

"five minutes!" taeyong answered, an irritates grimace painting his angelic features. the pink haired boy turned his attention from jayehun back to the food he had been cooking, and jaehyun's pulse returned to its healthy normal pace.


during dinner jayhun couldnt bring himself to look in tayongs direction. he stared down at the bowl of chicken and other green shit in front of him and stayed silent, avoiding joining the conversation the rest of the members were participating in. when everyone thanked taeyong for the meal and dispersed jaehyun stayed at the table and peaked in tayongs direction. the pink haired boy had his back turned as he gathered dishes to clean. jaehyun tossed the thought back and forth before offering to help. taeong glanced at him with a smile and nodded.

they worked in silence, taeyong washing and jaehyun drying. the tension between them grew and the steam from the hot water running from the faucet made both of their cheeks flush. it all felt weirdly domestic in a strange non-friendly way. the small glances from jaehyun didnt go unseen by taeyong and the pink haired boy smiled knowingly to himself as he cleaned.

once they finished, jaehyun took the wet dishtowel and weakly snapped it at taeyong in a joking sort of way. jaehyun laughed at taeyong's scandalized expression but his laughter ceased when taeyong yanked the towel from his hand and whipped jaehyun on the chest. water splayed across his peach t-shirt leaving a small damp spot on the center of his chest. jaehyun stared slack-jawed at taeyong who returned his gaze with a smirk.

in that moment jaehyun realized.. he had a kink.

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