just stop....

943 30 20

*loud crash in the city*

Marinette: woah, did you hear that Tikki?

Tikki: yeah, sounds like trouble

Marinette: I gotta transform! tikki! Spots on!

*turns into ladybug and swings outside*

ChatNoir: G'day malady *tries to kiss her hand*

Ladybug: *rolls eyes and moves hand away* trouble anywhere?

ChatNoir: yes, its a clawtastrophe!

Ladybug: would you stop?

ChatNoir: right, sorry

Pigeon man: I'm back you so called superheroes!

ChatNoir: *groans* not him again!

Ladybug: we godda take him down! you ready chat?

ChatNoir: I cat say no

Ladybug: just stop....

*two of them go ahead and fight crime*


ChatNoir and his stupid catch-phrases. 😏

Miraculous Ladybug and Cataclysm!

K.R ❤

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