Should I?

364 19 7

Hi guys!! Its me again. Don't skip this please, it very important.

So like, I think that this book is not so funny and I am trying my very best to make it be.

This isn't really long so you don't have to worry.

This book has gotten over 300 reads already and that makes me so happy.

It shows me that there are a lot of people who love this book and are Miraculous freaks like meh.

*winks* how you doin?

Anyways, the reads are good and the comments are good. Btw, thank you so much to the people who were so kind enough to leave a comment.

*grabs the people who commented into a big annoying hug* I love you guys.

Although some people *stares at the people who haven't voted or commented* are just not loving the book

But I am not sorry. This book is dedicated to the best show on earth.


Simply da best, up to the test when...

*coughs awkwardly then fixes shirt color*

Let's get back to buzziness.

So the real question that I meant to ask is...

"Should I rename the book from 'Hilarious Miraculous Chats' to just 'Miraculous Chats?' "

Because I don't really think this book is really funny.


Anyways, tell me what you think please, comment in the comment section below please and I will give you a dedication.

I already have some people in mind *holds up notebook then looks at you* you can be one too.

*Grins* so please comment guys and tell me what you think because I am here for you. Its not like I have anything bedder to do.

*coughs* so yah, you guys rock, like me "kamoyrocks"

See what I did there? *winks*


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