Chapter 5:

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Noises from the abyss can be heard from every direction, but Isaac powers through his fear to find his friend. "Mike?" He says every so often, in hope that his friend would respond. "God dammit, Michael. Don't die tonight." He continues to follow the trail of blood, until it suddenly comes to an end. Isaac points the light in front of him, revealing a terrifying monster smiling at him. "Fuck!" He yells. It lunges toward him, knocking him onto the ground. He kicks it off with both feet, and it goes flying but lands on all fours. "What the hell? You're not intimidated?" The creature laughs softly, and slowly walks toward him. Isaac swipes his knife, but it jumps out of the way. "HYEA HYA HYOOO!" The monster laughs, sending a chill directly up Isaac's spine.

It leaps into the shadows, leaving Isaac cautious on where the thing could be. Suddenly, it leaps onto his back, scratching his back, leaving giant claw marks. "Shit!" Isaac thinks in his head. Isaac's eye widens, and he realized what he has to do. He takes the knife, and stabs himself in the side, the blade also piercing the monster. "Fuck!" Isaac yells, tears building in his eyes. The monster falls to the ground, shrieking in pain. Blood oozes out of his side, and it drips down to the ground beneath him. The creature that was just on his back, clawing at his flesh, falls to the ground. Isaac points the light at it, and he can see a horrific sight. It's skin begins to dry out at a rapid rate, and the skin begins to crack and break apart. The broken pieces of skin turn to dust, and when all of the skin peels away, it leaves it's organs and bones revealed. "What the fu-?" Isaac says looking at the monsters rib-cage whilst clutching his side in pain. A small amount of movement appears to happen within the rib-cage. Isaac, being the courageous idiot he is, decides to break the bones with relative ease, and picks up a small figure that was covered in blood.

"H-Hey there, l-little one-e...?" Isaac says, obviously nervous about the child that he was holding in his outstretched arms. "Are you alright?" The child turns it's head 180 degrees with a satisfying *crack*. "Father will find you." It says in a feminine voice that sounded too old for it to be her. "U-Umm... W-Who's F-Father?" Isaac says, his voice cracking because of a chill that went up his spine. "Your demise. The ultimate creation they've made. Your life is as good as over. You're a fucking goner." She says. "W-Wow. That's some, uh... Strong. Strong language for someone of, uh your size... Well, do you have any clue about my friend, um Michael? I'm looking for him." Her head spins in circles, blood spurts out of her throat. "What would I get in return if I tell you the whereabouts of your friend. Isaac thinks for a moment. "H-How about I, uh... Spare your life?" He pulls out the knife, and her head stops spinning. "T-That knife is b-b-blessed... S-So in return of knowledge of Michael, you won't k-kill me?" Isaac smiles. "Yeah."

She jumps out of his arms, and begins to walk at a quick pace. Isaac can tell that it's starting to become morning, but in less than 5 minutes, they reach a cabin. "Hey... We were here earlier... And this isn't a trap, I hope. Or else, I'd have to kill you..." Isaac hears a large gulp come from the girl. He snickers, because in his mind he knows that he'd never kill a kid. The door opens on it's own, and the two of them walk into the darkly-lit room. Suddenly, lights flash on. The little girl runs into the arms of a mysterious looking man. Isaac shouts, "Where the fuck is Michael?!" He hears a voice from the corner of the room. "Ungh... I-Isaac? Is that y-..." Michael's voice trails off, for he was exhausted. Isaac runs to him, but he feels a force pull him back. "Not... Yet..." A deep, booming voice that echoed the cabin said. "Are you, Father? I hope you know, that if your 'daughter' or whoever the FUCK she is, didn't take me here, I would've slit her fucking throat, and I would've listened to her screams of pain while I took her life away. So, if you don't want me to FUCKING KILL BOTH OF YOU, I'd suggest you leave my friend and me be!"

The voice begins to giggle, which then turns to maniacal laughter. "Stupid, stupid boy. I know you wouldn't kill my daughter! I read minds child. You would do nothing of the sort! Anyways, I guess I'll leave you and your friend be. I might even let you heal a bit before I kill you. I want you to put up a fight!" Isaac's mind is engulfed in fear, confusion, and hatred. He picks up Michael, and he runs out of the cabin. He ran for 5 miles, without stopping, not looking down at his friend until he mutters something. "Dude..." Isaac looks at Michael's face. There's dried-up blood, and tears. Michael smiles, and he broke one of his teeth. He sets Michael down on a rock, realizing how tired he was himself. It was morning. "Thank. God." Isaac says, finally looking at his friend. "What. The. Fuck." He says, noticing the leg that, before, was missing a chunk, was now missing. There was no blood. Just a stump. "What're you looking at, man? Don't tell me that since we've been gone for a few days, doesn't mean it's OK to fuck me..." Isaac doesn't even crack a smile. "Your leg. Where is it?" Isaac says. Mike looks down. "Huh. Ain't that some shit?"

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