No. 1

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Party Motive.

"Please come, this party would be nothing without you." My friend begged as I sat on the edge of her bed while she got dressed up. "You only want me to go because when I get drunk I do stupid shit that will embarrass me the day after." I said looking at her as she walked toward me to zip something for her. "That and you're so much fun when you're drunk everyone loves you! They ask about you when you're not there." My friend said as I sighed.

"Fine sure why the hell not." I said as I got up, "but I'm going like this." I said looking at my faint tight jeans and black hoodie. "Sweetheart, at least change the shirt, it's like 80 degrees." She said as she threw me a black tank top and I threw it on. "Better."

Corey HaimWhere stories live. Discover now