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Harley/Lyrics POV
I walked back over to Tristan and Jacob. I was just about to walked towards the car when Tristan picked me up bridal style. I poked his nose
"If you keep doing that I'll forget how to use my legs!"
He Chuckled and kept carrying me. He stopped infront of the car and finally set me down. Me getting in the driver's seat him in the passengers and Jacob in the back. I drove quickly to our apartment and let Tristan in. Tristan threw his bags in Jacobs room and plopped down on the couch next to me.
"So are you going to tell me what you were doing with those big shot singers?"
I sighed
"I met them at a meet and greet yesterday that we had at my job."
Just then my phone chimed Signaling I had a message.
Unknown Number: Hey It's Vic!
I quickly put his name in and texted
Harley: Hey!
Vic: What are you doing?
Harley: chilling with my roommate and his Boyfriend! I saw you with SWS toady are you guys like going on tour together or something?
Vic: Well im engaged to Kellin....And we're starting warped tour soon I really wish Lyric could be here to see our wedding.
Harley: Oh My Gosh! That's great
Vic: Well warped started tomorrow and we're starting here so I wanted to know if you'd like to come?
Harley: Sure!
Vic: I'll be over in the morning to get you than!
Harley: great!
I put my phone down.
"Guys Stop making out and look at me!"
They snapped there heads towards me so fast they could get whip lash
"I'm not going to be home tomorrow I should be back by Monday Morning!"
They Nodded and went back to kissing. I slapped them upside there head
"Do that Tomorrow! But right now I need to take Tristan to re dye his hair!"
Tristan shook his cherry red mop he called hair
"Could use a cut why not it's only 5 we should be back by 9 which is my little Aussies bed time!"
I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the door walking down the street to the Tattoo and hair parlour. I walked in and greeted Sally
"Hey Sally! Tristan needs his hair re dyed and cut and I'm just here to watch!"
She smiled
"Bring him round back and Jack I'll do it!"
I bought him to the back wile jack waited for him. I sat down and scrolled through instagram while Tristan got his hair done. Once Tristan was done I got up and hugged Jack and Sally
"Thanks Guys it's Great!"
Sally smiled
"Nothing for you?"
I nodded
"Actually yes just a bottle of pink shampoo to keep my hair as bright as ever I'm running out!"
She handed me the bottle as Tristan payed. We walked out and I took a quick shower and let the guys know I was going to sleep.
I woke up to a banging on the apartment door. I looked at my clock who could be hear at 9 am? I stood up and opened the door it was Vic? He Hugged Me
"Why aren't you ready?"
I yawned
"Oh shit that's Today I'll be right back!"
He stooped me
"I didn't know you had Tattoos!"
I froze please don't ask to see them, please don't ask to see them!
"May I see them?"
My breath Hitched
He studied them and then came upon the Tattoo me and Tony have.
I Gasped tears threatening to spill
"Vic it's me."
Vic consumed me in a giant hug tears slipping now and then
"We'd though we'd lost you! Me and Kellin Looked!"
I sniffled
"Vic you can't tell the guys! I'll tell them when I'm ready."
He nodded
"I've missed you. Your going to be my daughter I'm marrying Kellin!"
I smiled
"Vic that's great! Let me go get dressed please?"
He let me go and shooed me off to get dressed. I slipped on a pair of high-waisted Denim shorts and a plain white tee. I put on my glasses and Light pink gauges. I tied my combat boots up and chucked my phone in my pocket. I walked back out
"I'm ready Vic."
He smiled
"Your so grown up! How old are you like 20?"
I nodded
He took my hand
"let's get you to the bus yeah?"
I nodded and followed him to the bus. I followed him inside sat down on the couch as he woke up all the PTV members except for Tony and Gracie. Ugh! He looked at me
"Can we tell them?"
I nodded
"Um guys this is Lyric!"
Jamie chuckled
"Vic that's not funny !"
I sighed and stood up.
"Jamie look at my Tattoos."
He took my arm and looked at my tattos. He began to cry and hugged me
"I missed you! We've gotta tell Tony!"
I wiped his tears and sighed
"I'm not ready Yet."
He Chuckled.
"Ok babes but I've got to go wake him up and the slut Gracie be right back."
I cringed and sat on the couch.
"So Vic will there be like Maids of Honor at the wedding or?"
He Chuckled
"Well we were planing in having Just 2 best man's and the ya know the rest of the guys but I'll make an Exception you'll be my maid of honor! That reminds me are you gonna tell kellin?"
I fiddled with the ring around my neck
"Yeah I guess."
Just then a sleep Tony and Gracie came out
"Hey Guys."
She shot me a quick and burning glare
"Girl I don't know."
I smiled a bright smile at her
"The names Harley. Harley Quinn!"
She giggled
"That can't be your real legal name! Your one of Jamies Sluts right? That's your hooker name!"
I was bright red and fuming
"No That's my legal name!"
I flashed her my ID and her Giggling silenced. Tony looked at my ID
"you look strangely like someone I know in this picture Got any Tattoos?"
I tensed up
He sighed and let it go. I sat back down and shivered a little I know the guys keep the AC on 24/7 but I never remember it being this cold. Mike turned towards me
"L-Harley are you cold?"
I was relived he fixed his wording
"N-No I'm f-f-fine"
He Chuckled and handed me a Sweatshirt
"Wear it for now we should be at the Venue in 6 minutes."
I tugged the big sweater on over my small frame and breathed in Mikes scent. Oh how I missed being with the guys this was gonna be tough to just watch them get up and leave me even though that's what I did. Soon the bus stopped and everyone was ushered off except for Tony and Gracie.
"We've got to get dressed well be right out."
We all Nodded and waited for them outside of the bus. Vic spoke
"Guys I'm gonna go see Kellin and I'm taking Harley With me ok?"
They all Nodded and Vic grabbed my Hand pulling me around to find the SWS bus. We found it and Vic knocked on the door a sleepy Kellin opened the door and Kissed Vic. Vic pushed me towards kellin
"Tell Him!"
I nervously giggled
"Tell him what?"
Vic seethed
"You know what!"
It was kinda that oh! Moment in my head and I turned toward Kellin
"Hi Dad!"
His pupils got large and it was like he choked on his own spit.
"Hahaha funny Vic! My kids not Australian!"
I gulped and pulled the necklace holding the ring off my neck.
"Look at this."
Kellin observed it before pulling me onto his bus and hugging me
"How-How this? How all of this? Your hair your accent. HOW?"
I  spoke lowly
"Well I somehow got this accent and I changed my appearance the best I could to hide from you guys?" It came out as more of a question than a statement. He sighed and smiled
"Well Vics your dad so yay?"
I giggled and just smiled I turned towards Vic
"Let's get back to the guys" I hugged kellin
"See you later Dad."
I walked back over to the PTV bus and stumbled upon Tony and Gracie kissing. I cringed and sighed
"Tony! There something you need to know everyone but you knows it."
He stopped kissing her and looked at me
"Go on?"
I cringed
"It's Lyric."
He Chuckled
"She left years ago don't lie it's not cool."
I walked over to him and showed him my tatto his eyes grew wide.
"L-lyric? Why why did you leave me?"
I giggled
"You honestly don't know? I was almost kidnapped by this bitch, and you called me a Slut thinking I would sleep with Craig Mabbit!"
His face saddened
"I didn't mean it Baby Turtle!"
I nodded
"Sure sure I'm going to tell you I'm only here for the rest of the guys and my dad now if you'd excuse me I have to go talk to BVB!" I walked to the door
"And don't call me That!"

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