The Curse

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Marshall's pov
I open my eyes and feel water being poured onto my face.
"What the hell!?" I yell and sit up, only to immediately turn over and puke.
Marceline's voice booked suddenly over the silence.
"Marshall.. do you like gumball?"
"But your pregnant with his baby. What are you gonna do about it?"
"What?" I told my head and look down at my stomach. What?
"Here have this." Marceline hands me a knife. I take it and put it to my stomach.

I need to cut it out. I need to take the thing out. I need to..

Gumball's pov
I run to the entrance of the castle. I feel like something's not right.
Something's not right. I bust open the door and look around. "MARSHALL!?" I scream.  No, something is wrong..
Marshall, where is he!?
"MARSHALL!!! WHERE ARE YOU!?" I scream at the top of my lungs. I run up the stairs and open the door to a room. I look up and see Marceline standing there and Marshall with a knife poking his stomach.
"M-Marshall?" I look at him with tears flowing down my face. "What are you doing? Don't you dare try to kill yourself..or the baby.. please, Marshall.."
Marceline must have cast a spell....that fucking bitch..
I look up and bolt towards Marshall. But, I was too late.

The knife sunk into his skin. He didn't push it, Marceline did. The knife sunk deep into his skin, blood started to ooze out and he coughed.
I feel the rage pour into my skin like fire and I whip around and punch her so hard she goes flying.. she can already fly.
I turn around and pull the knife out of Marshall.. I kiss his forehead and check how far it went. Not that far but still deep. Did it hit any major blood vessels? Did it hit the baby?

I grab Marshall's body and search for a healing potion.

(Marshall needs healing.)

I open a jar and see that it says healing, I taste the liquid and feel the cut on my cheek heal, so I give it to Marshall.
After he drinks it, I see the gas slowly start to heal. Hopefully if it did hit the baby, it's healing it too..

(Comment here what gender you want the baby to be. I'll round the votes up. You can only vote 1. If I see your vote more then once, I will not count that vote. I won't call you out but I just won't count your vote. Also for the vote, you can say the name you want the baby to be and what gender. What it looks like is up to you if you want to go that far. Would the baby look more like gummy or more like marshy? You can choose in the comments. Also for the looks, you can request as many as you want, just please reply to your own comment if you want to do more then one request for the appearance. Enjoy the rest!)

I walk down the stairs and back into the night, holding both of my babies in my arms.
"Marshall, I love you so much." I mumble into his hair as he started to drift off to sleep.
I think the spell had lifted when I punched Marceline.
"I l-love you too..." Marshall mumbled before falling into sleep.
"I'm glad." I say smiling. As I walk into the night, I feel the cold breeze start to get colder. We need to go back home.

{Okay! So I hope you liked that chapter. In not really sure on what to do next.. I need your guy's help on that.
I hope you enjoy! }

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