Juvenile Detention Center

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It had been 2 months since it happened. 2 months since his parents died.  Dick felt like no one cared,  the second he got to the detention center he had been yelled at.  The kids there were mean,  they took his food and played tricks in him that got him in trouble.

Dick had lost a lot of weight since he had been there, but that was mostly because the other kids took his food.  He wanted to get out of there,  but then again, who would want a 'circus freak' like him.

                                                               11:17 Pm,  June 2nd

Bruce Wayne had seen it happen,  he had been watching as the famous flying Graysons fell to their deaths leaving young Richard Grayson an orphaned child.  He became Batman to stop things like that from happening, he failed.  That was two months ago, now he was trying to find Tony Zucco, the murderer of Mary and John Grayson.

Alfred had told him thirty minutes ago he needed to get to bed as he had a big meeting the next day, but he couldn't sleep.  He had recently been thinking about adopting the kid who lost his parents,  it had been a thought that had just came to him randomly.  When he thought about it,  it sounded crazy. He didn't know how to interact with kids,  let alone a six year old who had just lost his parents.

Then again, it would still technically be helping and it would be nice having someone else around the manor than just Alfred. No, he couldn't there's no way... But There's a first time for everything right? He'll tell Alfred tomorrow and see what he thinks, right now he better get to bed before Alfred catches him still up.

4:39 Pm,  June 3rd
"Stupid, gypsy!" A kid yelled as he pushed Dick onto the ground.  Dick knew there was no point in getting up,  he would just get pushed back down again. The kid continued calling him names as tears filled Dick's eyes.  A guard came in at that moment and called Dick's name. 

Dick got up and followed the guard.  He got taken to a room with two men,  one was a man he had met once,  and the other he just didn't like.  He now stood in front of Bruce Wayne, someone he had met before the show the night it happened. 

The two older men talked a little before turning to Dick.  Bruce Wayne knelt down in front of him and asked him if he wanted to come live with him,  although he didn't really think it was a great idea going to live with someone he had only met once,  he knew anywhere was better than there. 

"Yes" He said quietly,  looking down at his feet avoiding eye contact with either men.  He still wasn't sure if he should be saying yes, would his parents want him to go live with someone else?  Is he making the right choice?  What if Bruce Wayne tries to kill him?  Why couldn't he just go live with his family at the circus,  he trusted them, he didn't know if he could trust Bruce Wayne yet.

Once they had gotten all his stuff, which was easy since he only had one suit case,  they got into the black Lamborghini.  The drive to the manor was long, no one said a word.  They both were very nervous, until they got to the manor, then Bruce seemed to calm down a bit.

The doors to the manor opened and Dick saw an elderly man with a black and white suit on,  step out. The man seemed to not be nervous at all,  either that or he was really good at hiding emotions. 

"Alfred Pennyworth,  at your service" the man said looking down at him. When dick didn't say anything Alfred looked to Bruce and said

"I presume this is Master Dick? " Bruce nodded, and they all walked into the mansion. When Dick saw how big everything was and how friendly Alfred was he knew he had made the right choice.

I'm really hoping this will turn out okay I've never done a fan fiction about young justice or batman before.  Please comment and vote😉

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