3) Freshmen

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Lol that's not suppose to be a pun.

Paperjam was the last off the bus. He shoved his earphones back into his bookbag as he followed behind Goth and Palette. Palette beamed behind Goth and ushered PJ to walk next to him.

"Come on PJ, walk with us buddy!" He grabbed PJ's hand and pulled him next to them. Goth gave a smile at his action.

"Where do we head first?" Goth asked, pulling out his schedule. Paperjam pulled his out of his short pockets and unfolded it. The paper was crinkled.

"Wait, where is your schedule Palette?" PJ asked as the group paused in the middle of the school entrance.

"Oh! I already memorized my schedule."

Goth giggled and threw his arm around Palette, somewhat of it could have been considered flirtatiously.

"That's the Palette I know!"

The two stood there, yet again having a brief conversation before they got back to the topic at hand.

Goth let go of Palette, directing his attention to Paperjam. "What class do you have first period?"

"Well, I have English in class 201."

Goth nodded his head in agreement, expressing he had a similar schedule. However, Palette gave a still bright frown.

"Oh, I have Algebra."

Goth gave a sad expression, looking at the ground with disappointment. But Palette tried reassuring him.

"Hey! It's okay Goth, there's always another class we can be together in. You know I can't stay away from my bestest friend!"

PJ could make out a small blush on his cousin's cheekbones even as he was frowning. He was sure he figured out Goth's and Palette's relationship. He opened his mouth to say something until they heard an urgent voice behind them.

"Yo watch out!"

The group turned around to meet a colorful being on a skateboard speeding towards them. He was urgently using his hands, trying go get their attention. According to how fast he was going, he was out of control. Goth and Palette stepped out of the way instantly while PJ remained in place. Goth reached out to his cousin to drag him out if the way but it was too late. PJ and the stranger collided into each other.

The colorful skeleton flew right into PJ, his skateboard continuing to roll even without the operator. Paperjam fell onto the ground with a thud, the skateboarder falling right next to him.

"Oh shiz! Are you okay?!" The stranger asked, scrambling to his feet. He held out his hand to help PJ as Goth and Palette rushed over.

"Woah! Paperjam!" They said in unison.

Paperjam grabbed his knee, holding it close in pain. He looked up against the sunlight to look at the guy who caused his accident. The sun casted a shadow onto his face as the stranger stood offering his hand. He couldn't make out much of his features but he could tell he looked concerned. Even while wearing bright sunglasses?

"Yeah... I'm fine." Paperjam muttered accepting the stranger's hand. His knee burned as he shifted his weight onto it, so he relied on his other leg for support. He didn't want to expose his injury to the guy. He probably already felt bad.

While standing, PJ could get a better look at the guy. Upon further inspection, he was a skeleton. He wore retro looking clothes that looked like someone would wear for a 'blast from the past party'. His attire made him come off as the type who would hang out at a skating rink if he wasn't mingling from multitudes of parties.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2017 ⏰

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