3. The Meetup pt. 1

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I sigh as I sit down at the Gryffindor table with Hermione, Ginny and Ron for dinner. I haven't told them that I'm meeting up with Draco yet and I'm nervous as hell.
"Why're you so nervous?" Ginny asks softly.
"I told Malfoy to meet up with me after dinner in Moaning Myrtles bathroom after dinner and I don't think he's going to show." I answer honestly, not knowing how they'll react.
"He'll show, I promise. I mean, look at him, he looks rather nervous." Ginny smirks, looking over at the Slytherin table.
I turn and look over my shoulder at Draco and notice that he does in fact look nervous. I can also see that Parkinson and Zabini are talking about something that is making him rather pissed off and embarrassed at the same time. I want to keep looking at him but ask if he read my mind he looks over at me and we make solid eye contact. Making his cheeks turn dark red before he looks away.
"See! I told you!" Ginny grins victoriously.
"Whatever." I say with a shrug as a let a genuine smile dance across my features.
"He totally likes you, and if he doesn't he's more of an idiot than I thought." Hermione says, jumping into the conversation.
"If he hurts you we'll all hex him into oblivion." Ron says through bites of food, as always whenever he talks during meals.
"Don't talk with food in your mouth, Ron. It's highly disturbing and unsanitary." Hermione lectures Ron, and it makes the rest of us laugh at how similar they still are to when we were in our second and third year. "It's also very unattractive."
"Sorry." Ron says with a lopsided grin before he continues eating whatevers left on his plate.
"How you manage to eat so much and stay skinny is really a miracle." Ginny says, shaking her head in what seems like disbelief at how her brother manages to stay at a healthy weight with how much food he eats in a single day.



"Where are you two supposed to meet up?" Pansy asks after I told her and Blaise about how Harry and I are meeting up after dinner.
"Moaning Myrtles bathroom. I don't know why he would choose there but I didn't ask." I say, questioning his location choices.
"Maybe he wants more than just Myrtle to be moaning." Blaise says with a rather suggestive tone, making my cheeks instantly go red with embarrassment with what he's implying.
"I didn't need to hear that. Now I'm thinking about that. Ew! Blaise why would you do that to me?" Pansy says, completely grossed out by what Blaise said.
"Sorry. But, you never know. This is Harry Potter that we're talking about." Blaise explains himself with a simple shrug. "Its not like Draco would be opposed to it anyways."
"Shut up!" I say before I my dead eye contact with a certain raven-haired Gryffindor and blush even harder. "Why were him and Weaselette just looking at me?"
"Maybe they heard what Blaise said." Pansy says with a smirk.
"The couldn't have, they're across the damn room." I say, not wanting to accept tbe fact that Harry could have heard the dirty thing that Blaise just said moments ago.
"Or maybe they're talking about you." Blaise says simply with a quick shrug as he picks at what should be his dinner.
"Why would they be talking about me?" I ask self consciously, disliking the idea of Harry talking about me, whether what he has to say is good or bad.
"He could have told her about how you guys are meeting up after dinner. It's not that hard to believe, they are close friends after all." Blaise says as if it were the most simple thing in the entire world.
"True." Pansy agrees with Blaise before it is announced that dinner is over and that everyone should head to their common rooms immediately. "Good luck, and try to not fuck it up."
"Thanks Pans." I thank her, not knowing what I would do without her and Blaise at my side for every little thing that happens to me on a day-to-day basis.

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