Holding On (3.23)

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*Based off of the season 3 Finale, what if Erin got in a car crash after she went to stop Voight.*

(Erins pov)

I just found out that my brother figure Justin, is brain dead. I thought it was all a dream i stepped back and took a seat at my desk, i was not ok.

(Jays pov)

I look over at Erin she has a blank stare on her face. I'm really worried about her i don't want her to go down the same hill she did when Nadia died. I see her enter the locker room and follow close behind. As i walk in i can hear crying coming from the corner, i quickly run to her and pull her into my arms and comfort her, telling her every thing would be okay.

(Erins pov)

I run to the locker room and let my emotions take over me, soon after i hear light foot steps that soon turn to quickly moving foot steps. Then i new who it was, it was jay, he ran to me and wrapped it strong arms around my body and protected me from all the sadness that is happening right now.

(no one's pov)

The whole day Voight had been ignoring Erin not even talking to her, the case took a lead and they found his killer. Later that day Voight gave the team the wrong address so that he could kill the killer of Justin Voight. When the team got to the location know body was there, jay called Erin

Erin: "Hey, I'm 2 min out"

Jay: "Binghams not here nobody's here not for awhile"

Erin: "Is Voight there?"

Jay: "No Not Yet"

Just has Erin was about to answer she saw a truck about to hit her jay heard her tires screech.

Jay: Erin, Erin!

Bam! Her car flipped over and erin went unconscious after that every thing went black.

Sorry for bad writing. Do you guys want a part 2. Please comment what you think.

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