Chapter 1- Unexpected Meetings

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Bella's pov:

I ran as fast as I could. With the wind blowing all around me, it becomes incredibly hard to see the path in front of me.

It was a chilly day, and I had overslept. Thank the lord for potentially bribing my dog to go all saliva attack on me while I was enjoying the last extra minutes of my slumber. They say people are greeted by the one and only Mother Nature, which doesn't make any sense whatsoever, I got greeted by a hungry, messy, dirty little dog. Which I will admit, is kinda cute sometimes but when you are fifteen minutes late for school, hell no.

I brust through the front door panting and gasping for breath. I lowered my knees and rested my hands on them, getting as much oxygen as I could. I turned to look at my teacher, Ms Vivienne, who was now glaring at me. She finally realised I was there and turned around to face me.

"What is your excuse of being fifteen minutes late, Miss Marshall?" she asked me slowly and sweetly, as if she was plotting an evil plan to make my life potentially miserable, while the entire class sniggered.

"Oh, I-I" I stuttered lowering my head down in embarrassment feeling my cheeks flush a bright cherry red. In the corner of my eye, I see her lifting her glasses up and turned to face the board.

"Whatever, please sit down," Ms Vivienne said whilst doing the swipe-hand motion gesturing me to take a seat.

I rushed to a seat near the back and sat down at a empty desk. I dropped my bag down beside my chair and got all of my books out.

"So-" Ms Vivienne started before getting cut off by a phone ring.

I looked around confused to see everyone else had the same expression I had. With the help of my instincts, I tried to find the source of the ringing. When I saw no sign of guilt on anyone's faces, I looked to Ms Vivienne who's glare could most likely kill someone.

"WHO'S PHONE IS IT?!" she boomed.

"ONCE I FIND OUT WHO IT IS, I WILL REPORT YOU! OH YES I WILL, I-oh, it's mine," Ms Vivienne said, her face blushing in embrassment, and bent down to reach out to her bag before exiting the room which left the students extremely confused.

It was a couple of minutes before she came back. But with a student.

No, it can't be...

"Students," she greeted us to grab our attention although almost half the class were already drooling over the student standing beside her, "know this is a bit sudden, but we have a new student that will join us in the school starting from today," she said standing in front of the class, "meet..."

She paused and took a deep breath as if this was as important as announcing the winner of Ms. Universe. And we all know how that turned out.

"Cole Evans" she finally finished.

Oh no, this can't be good...

"Hey guys" Cole greeted the class which leaded to some extreme fangirling. It's clear to see that he's going to be popular, with those deep brown eyes and flawless brown hair and an extremely fit body, he's going to have a line up of girls pretty soon. Not to mention, it makes me want to throw up.

He stood still, probably enjoying the great amount of attention he was getting. He had put on a (stupid) smug smirk which left the girls going wild, like lost animals in a zoo. In this case, they're helpless human beings lost in love. Or so they say they are.

Long story short, Me and Cole were classmates during elementary school and unsurprisingly, judging by how much I am an introvert, we were those kind of students that knew each other but never talked. The only reason we knew each other was because my brother, Alex, who was close friends with him. I mean, some people would think I'm lucky to hangout with a guy that was like freakin' hot but actually I didn't really mind. Well, until I had a huge crush on him. He was always the type that would play around with girls, then dump them after 'using' them. One time in 3rd grade, Cole asked one of the 'popular girls' if she wanted to go on a date with him, unfortunately Cole couldn't handle being suffocated with all the gossip and chatter, they eventually broke up which left the poor girl speechless and sad. I know, depressing.

However, that was a long time ago and I've finally moved on. Plus, I doubt that his attitude will change anyways. Stubborness is probably in his blood.

"Why don't you take a seat, Mr Evans?" Ms Vivenne asked him.

"Sure...." he prolonged and scanned around the classroom for a seat. Everyone already knew where he was going to sit, as there was a empty desk next to the ultimate 'queen bee', Nicole Brooks. Well that's until when he saw me.

He paused his step and looked at me. It felt as he could look into my soul, and see everything.

My secrets. Everything.

His eyes met mine and I looked into his deep blue eyes, lost and mesmerised.

Then, the most unexpected thing happens. He sits next to me.

God, when I was just thinking the day couldn't get any worse, it has.

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