Am I Bitter, or Just Hopeless?

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The time has gone,

We’re at the end.

We can’t go back,

Or play pretend.

The memories,

They fade and die…

Just like my heart

Has lost it’s beat,

I hope your life

Is full of grief.

You left me here,

All on my own…

I can’t go back

Or return home.

I guess that I’ll

Go on alone.

The misery

You left me with…

It’s getting too

Hard to resist.

Sitting out here,

Knife in my hands.

The river of blood

Drips down to land…

Crimson regret

Pours out my veins.

Cruel betrayal

For your own gains.

Does it matter

When my life ends…?

And were they right

About you and me?

Were we never

Truly meant to be?

I feel so trapped

Nowhere to run…

I’ve lost my will

To stay and fight.

In the darkness

There is no light.

Stuck in shadows,

The voices call…

‘you’re better off

dying in your sleep.

Give the devil

Your soul to keep.’

The voices won’t

Leave me alone…

I can’t hold on

To my cruel fate.

I know tomorrow

It will be too late.

There’s not much more

That I can do…

I sit and sigh,

Look out at night.

I am so lost.

No one knows my plight.

Those judgmental eyes

Accuse and scorn…

The pain inside

Is too much to bear.

And it seems I

Have no one to care.

Then I resolve

To end it all…

I hole the knife,

Fate in my hands.

I think it’s not

Worth all this strife.

In this sorrow,

I’ve lost my life…

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