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Danielle's P.O.V


Hi,my name is Danielle mason,

I'm 16 years old,

I have ash blonde hair,

Hazel eyes,

& I live in North Carolina.

I have over a million subscribers on YouTube and I love them all!

I'm also on vine.

So,I woke up one Friday morning but I didn't have school,the teachers were having a training day.I woke up about 9:00am,I got out of bed and headed downstairs for some breakfast.

"Morning sweetie"My Mom greeted me.

"Hey,Mom"I answered.

*10 minuets later*

After breakfast,I took a shower,washed my hair and got out.

I dried my hair,got dressed Into a Burgundy skater skirt and a long sleeved plain white crop top.I applied only light make up and some pink lip gloss.

Then all of the sudden I have a phone call,

It was of a private number so I answered.

"Hello?"I said.

"Hello,is this Danielle Mason speaking?"the man answered.

"Yes,it is"I said.

"I would like to inform you that you have enough followers to join us on our magcon tour"the man said.

"Oh my gosh,really?"I excitedly asked.

"Yes,would you join us?"the man chuckled.

"Yes!of course!"I said.

"Ok,we will be taking a flight to San Diego Sunday night"the man said.

"Yes,okay"I said

"Bye"he chuckled.

My mom said if I was ever asked to go I could so a ran down the stairs as fast as I could

And told her straight away.

"MOM!guess what!"I screamed

"What?"she asked


"Oh my gosh,when is the tour leaving?"she asked.

*i told her the details blah blah blah*

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