Idk what to name this chapter...let's call it MAGCON

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Sorry I haven't updated in like 3 months got a lot going on!but anyways I'll be back x

I couldn't sleep all night,it was like the hours dragged by,

Everything was done for me,

My clothes were set out,my make up was all set out

My bags were packed so all i had to go was get ready to go,

The hours went by slowly and the more I was getting tired.Ughh this is so weird!

But I'll be meeting some of the coolest people,tomorrow.

I absolutely loved Shawn Mendes!omg he is just gorgeous and he has a voice like an angel!

I'm not sure if I mentioned this but I'm also a singer,I would love to sing with him, but I'd have to be lucky to do that!

So,I finally dropped off into a relaxing sleep,didn't dream about anything and then I heard my alarm clock go off.

I rushed out of bed,got my make up on,did my hair and all the stuff you have to do in the morning,I had to leave soon so I had my breakfast and rushed off to the airport.

The manager said someone from magcon will be there at the airport to make sure your safe and apeverything like that,I wonder who it could be!

My mom drove me to the air port and dropped me off,I said my goodbyes and I was off

To find one of the boys,then I saw Carter Reynolds,he ran up to me saying

"Hey,your Danielle right?"

"Yes"I nodded.

"Hey I'm carter,I'll be boarding the plane with you"he smiled

"Haha,nice to meet you"I said

"Nice to meet you too"he replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2014 ⏰

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