chapter 9 : apology

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"hello Lilly." said the doctor Gretta started to growl even louder "its ok girl." I said "she says she doesn't like me." said the doctor "you can talk to my dog?" I said "yeah I speak dog." he said I started laughing then she started to bark "Gretta be quiet." I said then he ran and jumped on my bed like a kid would do then Gretta got up and jumped on my bed to I laid down then I looked at my clock 1:00 it said then I closed my eyes then I weird dream I started screaming then the doctor came out of the TARDIS and he ran to me "its all right." he said I laid back down then he got in bed with me and we both fell asleep it was nice to feel his body next to mine then my clock started to buzz then I heard it go off I opened my eyes and the doctor was already up then he was talking to Gretta I was still sleepy I only heard half of the conversation "yes you cant call her that she wont like that yes I where a bow tie now bow ties are cool." then he saw me I was awake my dog jumped up and started licking my face "ok down girl." I said then we went into the kitchen and he got some jammy dodgers  and put some on a plate then he got a pan out and he started making pancakes then he went to the fridge and got some fish fingers and custard then he put the pancakes on a plate and put  some syrup on them and he handed them to me I got a fork and  dug in. then Gretta came in and he fed her then he went on the other side of the table and dipped  a fishstick in the custard I smiled at that "what's all this for?" I said "apology." he said "for what?" I said "yesterday." he said "oh yeah that." I said trying to forget it then we were done eating I got changed and then he went in the TARDIS I went in with him "so where do you want to go." he said "somewhere awesome." I said "ok." he said and he put the TARDIS on random then we landed he looked out "you might want to dress up all the girls like that bit." he said "ok but are you going to tell me where we are so I dress up like it?" I said "were in England 1968 and its Christmas." he said then I went to the wardrobe room and I saw a dress and put it on then I got some boots and put them on then I came out the doctor had a top hat on and a different jacket on. I  smiled at him and we walked out it was snowing I looked up and I started laughing we walked then I saw a horse drawn carriage then we past a person they said merry Christmas to us and we said it back then we heard a scream we ran and we saw some people were already there I looked at them there was a potato in a tux next to him was another she was a human like me and another but her face was green then the human turned around "doctor?" she said then the other two turned around "doctor what a surprise to see you here." said the green lady "good to see you three again." he said "oh this is Lilly." he said to them "hello." I said then the green lady spoke I guess she was the leader "I'm vastra  this is jenny and that there is strax." she said and pointed to the potato "so what brings you here doctor." she said "well we heard a scream and went over here." he said "sir I suggest we deal this with lazar guns and acid." we all looked at Strax "what for?" said vastra then we saw a thing swoop down then it flew off "what was that?" I said "don't know." said the doctor then we started to run after it we followed it then we hid behind a bush and it landed then it shape shifted into a human "what the heck is that." I said then it walked off "I met those things before." said the doctor "so what are those doctor?" said Vastra "krillitanes." he said "what?" I said "they can shape shift into humans I met them in a school before." said the doctor "well where are they coming from?" said Vastra then he got his sonic out and scanned the area "don't know." he said looking at his sonic "or we could just follow them." I said "brilliant!" said the doctor and he kissed me on my head I smiled then we got up and we followed at a far distance then we came to a church and we went inside then it shape shifted again into a krillitane "ok Vastra , Jenny, and Lilly you stay here and Strax your coming with me." said the doctor "no I'm coming with you." I said "Lilly you stay here." he said his green eyes looking at me. "no us time lords got to stick together." I said "fine." he said "good boy." I said then we followed the krillitane then it went into a room and the door shut the doctor tried to sonic it "I keep on forgetting this doesn't work on wood." he said "let me do it sir." said Strax then he got his lazer gun ready "no Waite I have an idea then I kicked the door and it opened "your welcome." I said "ok now Strax you go with Jenny and Vastra." "but sir I want to blow something up." he said "go." he said then he had his head down and he was mumbling something about how he was not involved in the fun I felt sorry for the potato then we went in it was dark and we couldn't see a thing then I felt something on my shoulder I screamed "its ok." said the doctor "don't do that." I hissed "sorry, I think I found a door." he said "open it and lets get out of here." I said then he opened it then we went into another  room but it was all dirty then I saw what looked like cages then I heard something then I saw a krillitane "doctor." I said then he saw it too "what are you doing here?" said the doctor it said nothing then it came by us I was scared "its ok it wont hurt us." said the doctor then it jumped and tried to land on us I screamed "you said it wont hurt us." I yelled " well you know I lie." he said  then I saw it was being controlled then I went in the back of it and I pressed a button and a neck thing came off it just looked at me for a while then it shape shifted into a little girl "thank you." she said and she hugged me "your welcome." I said then I saw a krillitane in a cage then she went over there then she let it out and it tried to get out but it was chained up "doctor sonic now." I said he handed me his sonic and the chains fell then she came out then it shape shifted into a mother "mum." said the little girl I handed the sonic back to the doctor they looked at me then a guy came in "well what do we have here?" he said I stood in front of them "you leave them alone." I growled then he looked at the doctor "long time no see eh doctor and it looks like you changed." he said then he went by me I looked at him then more krillitanes came I looked at the doctor and he mouth the word run I kicked the guy in the stomach and I held the little girls hand and we ran out "this way." said the mum and we went to another room and we closed the door then they were krillitanes again "how did he know you?" I asked him "we met a long time ago." said the doctor then he soniced the door then there was pounding "you two go." said the mother "no were not leaving you." I told her "come on Lilly." said the doctor taking my hand "no." I said "Lilly there going to come back." he said "go with the doctor Lilly." said the little girl "I'm going to be ok." she said "no." I said "doctor you go get jenny vastra and strax." I said "I'm sorry but no." he said then they came in "run!" said the doctor and we ran out then we saw the others then strax held up his gun "its ok there on our side." I said then the guy  pointed a gun at the little girl I stood in the way and I fell down "Lilly!" said the doctor then I opened my eyes and I saw some stuff coming from my hands then I closed my eyes and then I opened them "wow that was so cool." I saw the doctor just staring at me "you regenerated." he said "yes now am I ginger." "no." he said laughing "ah that's rubbish I wanted to be ginger." I said then I looked and I saw dead krillitanes "did I do that?" I said "yeah." he said "well isn't that fantastic." I said then we walked out and the mother and the little girl thank us then they flew off then we said buy to jenny vastra and strax I was going to miss that potato then we went back in the TARDIS "so where do you want to go next?" he said "how about a beach." I said "ok." he said then I got in my regular clothes then I went to the control room the doctor was not in there "doctor?" I said then he came out wearing his tweed jacket and his red bow tie I was dressed in shorts and a t shirt then we landed and walked out.

hey guys sorry for the long Waite I don't have a computer of my own yet so all I have is a computer at the school but I go until Thursday im off Friday and I live way out in the country so its hard to get wifi out there so yeah but anyway vote and comment it would mean a lot to me thanks :)

-doctorwholover19 "Geronimo"                                    

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