Byee ..Tour time!!

69 3 0

2 dayz Laterr

Roc Pov;I got up out bed and took a shower and packed.!*I had on mii gold chain a white shirt dat said Dope moneyy Black jeans and mii Retro black and whitee jordans and ah snapbackk dat said get you game up.!!%%

Ray: Aree yall packed.??Cuz kiesha said she outsidee.!!

*All them* Yeaaa

Bre pov; I got up earlyy n jus slipped on mii ugg boots and ran overr to roc's housee to saiii good byee and jus then Kayla nijah and indiaa was already ready by the door.!!

Ny: Okaee lets go tell the boys byee.!!*Sad*

Bre:Yeaa lets head out*walks out n now on they step*

India; I will knockk*Knocking*

Prod:Haii Babes'*Kisses her* Youu camee to tell daddy byee.??

India: sadly so I must say

Prod: Comee on cheer up It will b over beforee youu kno it okaee*hugs her not lettingg her go*

Ny:Where ray at.??

Ray:*Come in mii room* *Yelling*

Ny; *Runzs upstair* Imma miss youu Nappy head.!!

Ray:*kisses her and hug her* Are suree cuz imma miss youu too and nooo Boys youu got dat

Ny: Haha whyy wud I if I havee a sexii one rytee here .?.N NO YOU WAIT YOU BET NOT HAVEE NO GURLSS.!!!!

Ray: Be foreall*Points to face* Im not.!!?

Bre ; Roc.!!!

Roc: Yeaa comee in here I in da room.!

Bre:*Runs in room* Haii babes' Hopee you havee Fun.??!!!

Roc: NOT WITHOUT YOUU *Kisses her*♥♥

Bre: I lovee youu lil Boy.!!*wraps hand around neckk*

roc:*Smacksbutt* Imma miss all dis and rememba our talkk.??*Gco*

Bre; And dont you breakk it.!! And call me wen you there.!!

Kayla: Princee im cumin in the room..Hopee you have on clothes.!!

Prince: Yeaa come on in.!!*Kisses her*

Kayla: Imma miss you*pouts*

Princee: Dont worry imma call youu everydayy.!!^_^

Kayla: Youu Betta and No talkinngg to groupiess or cheatingg.!!

Prince:*Laugjingg* Im not I promisee*Pulls out pinkyy*

Kayla:Okaee you havee mii wordd.!!^_^

Kieshaa came in ; Ayyee Yall boys comee on its timee to Hit thee roadd.!!!

The boys and girls greeted hugg and kisses and headed HOMEE.!!

Bre:: I Hopeee dey will do what they sayy they will.!!!

India:Hahaha Foreall cuz I dnt need no groupiee trynna get mii Boo.!!*Throwingg up peace sign*

Kayla: Yeupp cuz I sho will act stupid.!!Hmmh

Ny: Yall wanna bring somee friends overr.??

Kayla: Yeaa ill call shareka

Bre: Noo not Dat typee of "Friends" How bout Ex-Boyfriends.!!*Smirkingg*

Ny: Umm I dont thinkk so cuz youu kno sumin will happen n plus mii ecx ben trynna get wit mee last weekk umm noo


Bre: Well lets jus havee A "Small partyy"

Kayla: Yeaa cuz we ainee went to ah partyyy n how longg*Thinking*

Ny: Haha truu and plus me n bre parents dont caree at longs if we dont do what we suppose to do.!!

Bre: Well come on what yah waitn fo bloww upp instagram and facebook.!!

india; What about ray dem.??Sikeee I bet dey goin partyingg to.!!

Bre: Truu fa get ah niggahh.!! I here too turn upp.??!!

Nobodys One Hourr Laterr peoplee started to knockk on the door and busted throughh thee doors.!!!

Bre: Where Dj big deal At..???

Ny: Oohh he in dah kitchenn.!!

Bre: Okaee cuz he needa turnn dis partayy up yah kno wah I meann.!!

Kaylaa:Ayye where Cj Crooke(If you didnt know he be on tour with themm sometimes)

Bre:Comee on girls lets takee a picturee*takes out phonee* Instagramm

@TurnUp! At Bre , Nijah, makayla, Indiaa Houseee Partayy.!!

Ny: Oohh shoot wah mii ex dewin hereé.!!

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