Summer Days

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I woke up in a good mood today. It was August 15th, the date of our promised meeting. I couldn't help but smile as I thought about finally seeing you again after you had moved back to your home. I double checked my attire in front of the mirror, making sure I look good. I wouldn't want our date to be bad after all, when it is your first day back in Tokyo after your probation. Look how far we have gotten. It started out as a relationship between a detective and a criminal. I joined your team at first for my plan, I was planning to betray you guys at the start, but meeting you changed everything. I felt a new foreign feeling I later learned was love. I did a lot of awful stuff, yet you forgave me and came back to save me, I'll be forever grateful for that. Glancing at my phone I noticed it was time for our appointment. Grabbing the small present laying on the counter I bought for you, I promptly left my house. I saw your figure sitting on a swing as I approach the park, the sunlight adding to you charm. You look as beautiful as always. I quicken my pace and greeted you as I arrived in front of you. Your eyes met mine and my breath almost hitched. I forgotten the feeling of my heart beating rapidly during the time you were away. I held out the present I got for you with a slight blush tinting my face. You took it with a gentle smile. I sat down on the swing next to yours and we started talking, about what had happened in the absence of a few months. We had so many stories to tell, my earlier embarrassments' gone, as I feel into the comforting sound of your voice, laughing at jokes. I felt so happy.

As we went into a comfortable silence, just finding serenity in each other's presence, you suddenly spoke up. "You know, I kind of hate summer." As you petted the stray cat that had crawled its way towards you. It was a soft muttering but I heard it nonetheless. I felt perplexed at the sudden statement. Summer was where your school trip was held and from the look on your face when you talked about it you seemed to enjoy it much there. During summer vacation where we all had traveled from place to place, enjoying ourselves, you were having the time of your life. So, why did you claimed you hated summer? I frown in confusion.

The cat as if sensing something, suddenly stood up and ran from you. You got up and chased after it, I stood up slowly, chuckling at your childish antic. I like it when you act childish, having that innocence around you, when you stop pretending to be adult. I find those traits of yours adorable, when you act your age and not force yourself to grow up. I trailed after you, in a slowly pace. The cat ran pass the road and you followed it, running to the read crossing. It was then that the traffic light flashed a bright red. My eyes widen as I yelled and chased after you, but it was too late.

A blaring truck came out of nowhere, ramming into your body as your ear-piercing scream echoed. Spattering your red blood everywhere. The truck, now dyed red with your blood, came to an abrupt stop before you. Your mangled body lay motionless. The black cat you were chasing just standing there, staring at me. I chocked as I caught a whiff of your scent mixed with your blood under the hot summer sun. I held my mouth and my vision blurred as I swayed. Through my unfocused eyes I saw a figure in the distance, covered in black, laughing, "This is not a lie!" It mocked. With that I passed out under the intense heat of the hot summer day.

A seemly endless void was decorated with countless clocks everywhere. A shadow figure approached one of them. Holding his palm out, he touched the clock. Smearing blue paint on the clock as he dropped his hand to its side. Head turned slightly to gaze at something behind him.

I woke up with a start. I was sweating profusely, my bed sheet doused in my sweat. That nightmare felt too real. All the details were awfully realistic. Your mangled corpse, your broken bracelet lay next to you, the smell of your blood-. I tried to calm my trembling self down. The sound of a clock ticking behind me. Taking deep breaths, repeating 'it's alright' to myself. After it was just a dream, right?

Never-Ending Summerdays (Reader x Goro Akechi)Where stories live. Discover now