Happy Birthday!!!!

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This chapter is dedicated to anushakhan02, @rainbow_154, @AleemaSamir.

Jenna's POV

When I woke up I was screaming. I had a nightmare. My brother Aiden was dead "I can't let him die." I said then she realised it was just a bad dream. She got out of her bed in a hurry to see if her brother was okay. She opened the door of her brother's room and went inside to see that he was okay . She heaved out a sigh of relief. Thank god he was okay she could do anything for her brother.

The next morning I woke up and went to the attached bathroom to freshen up.I came out wearing a simple black tank top and a pair of jeans. I then made her way down to the dining room where breakfast was going to start in a minute.My brother Aiden and my two minutes older sister Eva were already eating. I chirped a "good morning" and sat down.Eva just rudely said "You are late". I replied rudely "I know". "Girls you don't have to fight first thing in the morning , for god's sake today is my BIRTHDAY!!" Both of us just mumbled "she started it".

I had almost forgotten it was Aiden's birthday."HAPPY BIRTHDAY AIDEN" I literally shouted and ran towards my room to get Aiden's gift. I ran again this time to my brother to give him his gift.It was a black fast track watch.

I was about to give it to him but stopped right before giving it to him and said "I will only give this to you if you throw a party this evening " and smirked at my little brother.

Aiden replied "I will only if Eva also gives me a gift".

Eva said with a bored expression "I don't have time for your stupid parties".

Aiden started protesting "but-

"No buts my friend Carol is throwing a party tonight and I am going to it so shut up and good bye".she said and went out of the dinning room.

Aiden was starting to get sad but I said in an attempt to cheer him up "Don't mind her , its okay you invite your friends and I will invite mine and we will have a birthday party for you. I am sure Eva will come around". and smiled

But it had little effect on Aiden who was still sad.

"Don't worry I'll do something about it".

I went to Eva's room and knocking once went inside.

Jenna angrily said to her sister who was lounging on the couch "CAN'T YOU GO TO HIS PARTY!? ITS HIS BIRTHDAY FOR GOD'S SAKE!".

Eva also angrily said "I TOLD YOU I AM GOING TO CARLO'S PARTY AND I AM NOT GOING TO CHANGE MY MIND. Now get out and shut the door.

"No I not going to leave until you agree to come to his party". She said crossing her arms.

Right at this moment Eva's best friend Ryan Lockwood entered Eva's room and I felt butterflies in my stomach.He was looking good as always in a pair of jeans and black shirt that closely fitted his perfect body.I had had a crush on Ryan since junior year.

"Hi Eve, Jen" he greeted us and then propped himself on Eva's bed.

"Ryan!! PLEASE request Eva to ditch Carol's party and join us in Aiden's birthday party!!"

"Actually I was here so that I could tell Eva that Carol's busy and there can't be a party tonight".

I looked at Eva and smirked.

"Now that you have nothing to else to do you can join Aiden's birthday party."

Then looking at Ryan I said "you can join us too.... If you want to".

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