Authors Notes

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This series of short stories is depicted to two completely different sets of people, but I'll address each individually as I have an equal amount of respect for both. I respect the first for living with what they have done.

First, the people who brought me to the point of this. I would like to thank you, the pure inhumanity forced upon me over the years has forged a much stronger version of me. Without you, I would likely have followed in the same footsteps as every happy soul in this world. Without you, I would have had no reason to bring forth half the narratives that let me get the feelings off my chest. Because that is the reason for this books existence, the sheer hurt caused by many.

This doesn't end, we all know that in the long run we get brought down over and over. This second mention is to those who have suffered through the darkest days, and those who didn't quite make it through. It's easy to stand above the others and tell them that is always gets better with waiting and walking away, that time heals all wounds. It doesn't. Scars linger below the surface of the skin just as long as those refuse to fade on the top, don't be too quick to judge since you might not know what the person next to you has fought through their lives. The smallest things tip someone over.

Thank you all for reading, I hope that another of its kind won't need to be written.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2017 ⏰

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