Tag 9

12 1 8

It's been awhile but I'm back with some tags so here we go

I was tagged by Cutaepie-

1.) Do I have a crush?

I have some crushes *cough cough BTS cough cough* and a boyfriend, we just started dating on Wednesday the 28th of June

2.) Middle Name?

I have 2 that my mom gave me at birth and 1 that my grandfather have me for fun

Mom: Janae Shontae

Grandpa: Scott

3.) Height?

Jungshooked when I saw this because I don't even know my exact height now but last summer I was 5'4 so now I'm probably like 5'6 or 5'7

4.) Shoe Size?

I range from a 7 to 9 in women's and in men's I'm a 9

5.) Eye Color?

Dark brown

6.) Last time I cried?

This morning

7.) Biggest fear?

I used to be afraid of butterflies (used to be my biggest fear) but then I heard BTS's Butterfly and that helped my fear of butterflies go away so now my biggest fear is BTS disbanding

8.) Last song I listened to?

Cypher pt 4🔥

9.) Last person I texted?

If texting over snapchat counts then my boyfriend if not my twin (not really twins though) Jennifer

10.) Fave app(s)?

V-live wattpad snapchat YouTube Army Amino

Tag 20 people

I'm too lazy to tag that many people so I'll do 10 on this one and 10 on my next one

ParkMochichim03 (Army Amino)

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