Tord was fast asleep. Tom on the other hand was screaming and hitting dogs with the pillow as they jumped on the bed their teeth like needles. Tom yelled at tord to wake up but well the Norwegian didnt even stir. After about 20 minutes tom had knocked out all but one dog. The biggest one. It was as tall as the bed and had needle teeth its black eyes looked into toms voids searching his soul. Tom hit the dog 5 times with the pilow and it didn't even move. He stabbed it with a knife but it went right through the dog
Eventually he chased it into the closet and he then Locked the door. He then went to get some water be cause after all that he was very thirsty.
When he got to the kitchen there were cats everywhere "holy bug in a jar" tom was terrified. He saw Tord's gun and grabbed it shooting several cats. And running back to the room.
He got thee before the cats and lock the door. He shook tord trying to wake him up while screaming the red leaders name. No luck .... Until.. After 5 minutes Tords eyes opened. They were red.... Tom jumped off the commie "T-Tord..?" Tom almost fell off the bed but caught himself
Tord laughed sadistically as he jabbed the knife into Tom's neck.
Tom woke up in a cold sweat alone. He breathed heavily then looked at the time and cursing under his breath. Her was 2 minutes behind schedule not good.
Then there was a knock at the door he finished fixing his hair while walking.
He opened the door and there stood the red leader... Toms beautiful husband "sorry I'm running late I had a nightmare and woke up a bit late" tord would have hugged tom but didn't want to have the soldiers know he and tom were a thing (toms nightmare took place in Edd's house but tom and tord now live on Tord's base) and since 2 of them were right behind him he couldn't hug the Tommie ;-;
"I understand, please come in my office as soon as possible"
Tom nodded and tord walked off soilders following.

Nightmare one shots -eddsworld-
FanfictionThis is a book of one shot night mares with as many eddsworld ships as I feel comfortable writimg. These are all based off my own night mares