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Niall lay on the cold hard floor of some building. His hands were tied behind his back and tape sealed his mouth tight shut. He'd tried to run and gotten a thorough beating from one of his captors.

His head throbbed painfully. He had seen them take a picture of him just before they threw him in this dark small room. He screwed his eyes up trying to fight tears as he pulled furiously on the ropes that immobilized his arms. It was no use though the Irish boy was thoroughly stuck and there was no way he could escape on his own. He sighed and let his mind wander. He wandered if the others were home yet, if they'd realised he was missing. How had Louis reacted? It was a bad idea to think about Louis as it increased the blondes desire to escape and snog the Doncaster lad's face off. He thrashed about wincing as the rope dug painfully into his wrist. "MPPH!" He shouted into the tape that gagged him, kept him quiet.

The man, who he had been led to be known as Joe, opened the door and grinned at Niall. "Well pretty boy time to have a little talk with your friends. Come on." He bent down and picked Niall up throwing the struggling boy over his shoulder, smacking his bum as he tried to boot him in the face. "Careful boyo I may just drop you onto the hard floor.” Niall thrashed about furiously on Joe's shoulder. "If you keep on struggling then I'll give you another going over." He smirked as Niall froze in fear. "What do you want me to do with him boss?" He called over to Leo.

"Bind him to that pole. And, Lord, make sure he can't get loose."

Joe looked at Leo innocently, "I always tie my hostages’ in-escape-ally. You should know that after ten years working with me."

"Well my homosexual friend, I can never be sure and it doesn't hurt to check."

"True." Joe agreed as he struggle to hold Niall's thrashing body against the pole. "Le, can you keep this brat still?"

"One, it is Leo to you. Two how come you can't keep hold of him, he's tiny!"

"Whatever man, can we take his damn shirt off? Rumour is he's got one hell of a body on him,"

"Sure," Leo threw Joe a pair of scissors and Joe cut down the middle of Niall's shirt pulling it back to admire the muscle and also the bruises he'd given him.

Niall thrashed as his shirt was cut up. I can't be-fucking-live this, he thought angrily. Bloody perv. "Don't you like it little boy?" Joe taunted. Niall lashed out with his leg, only just missing Joe's privates. Joe smirked at him. Niall struggled wanting to give into his urge to punch the man hard in the face, like Liam had taught him. The more he thought about his older brother the more he struggled desperate to go home to their comfy apartments and the boy's warm embrace.

There was a sharp crack as Joe, having lost all patience with Niall and his struggling, slapped the boy hard across the face. Tears welled in the blonde’s eyes but he refused to let them fall, blinking them back.

"Now keep fucking still you spoiled twat!" Joe shouted wrapping the rope around Niall's chest, binding the boy to the pole. He pulled it so tight Niall could barely breathe. Niall hissed into the tape. Joe leaned forward and grabbed Niall's chin, "If you're a good boy I'll loosen it, got it?" Niall nodded and Joe picked up a small video camera. "OK boss, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 action!"


Louis shut his eyes tight and pinched himself trying desperately to convince himself he was dreaming and Niall was really safe and sound in the next room. He opened them but no luck the situation was all too real. "Who'd do this?" Harry whispered tears forming behind his eyes at the thought of what might happen to their sweet little leprechaun.

"If they'd kidnapped one of us it wouldn't be so bad." Zayn muttered. The others shot him weird looks. "I'm just saying we're all strong and capable but Niall, Niall is the one who always has to show his ID when we go on the razz somewhere no one knows who we are, has to stand on his tiptoes to get on rollercoaster’s and has to be checked that he's allowed to see scary or rude films in the pictures."

The three boys nodded realising that unintentionally Niall had very much became the baby of the band. And now someone had him and could do all sorts to him. Liam had been thinking this and shook his head horrified at the images flying through his mind.

"What're we gonna do Li?" Louis asked quietly. Panic and fear were slowly rising in his stomach and he felt like he was going to be sick at any minute. Liam looked at his older band mate and flatly said,

"I don't know Louis, I really don't." Louis sighed sadly. He knew Liam would take this harder than them all even him, Niall was like the little brother Liam never had. Niall and Liam had trusted each other with their deepest secrets.

"Hey guys," Harry mumbled quietly, "It's err five shouldn't we like get a call or something?" Just as those words left his mouth his phone beeped and he grabbed it immediately.

It was a video, a live one. A man appeared on the screen his face covered with a mask. "Hello boys." His posh accent boomed out. "I have Niall here." Harry wordlessly held the phone out towards the boys as the camera swung round to focus on Niall who was tied to a pole a piece of tape still sealing his lips shut. The boys gasped in unison as they saw that his top was torn and there were bruises up his chest. "As you can see your friend went against our wishes and that can't be tolerated so we had to rough him up a bit. Smile for the camera pretty boy." The man taunted Niall the camera zooming in on his face to show the tears that were gently spilling out of his closed eye lids. The boys watched feeling sick in horror as they watched the man grab Niall's hair and yank it hard making the blond boy look up abruptly his eyes wide. All four boys were horrified at the pure fear in Niall's eyes. "If you want him back then I want two million pounds. I'll give you the details later. But tell anyone and Blondie here gets the brunt of it." Then the screen went blank and the boys sat there in utter shock. Tears were falling from Louis's eyes from the moment he'd saw the fear in Niall's eyes. Liam and Harry were trying to not cry to think. Zayn just sat there dumbfounded hoping to heaven that he'd wake up any moment now and Niall would be tucked in bed in the next apartment. But Niall wasn't there and wouldn't be unless they handed over two million quid.

A sob came out of Louis's lips that he quickly turned into a cough. "Guys, we can't leave Niall there."

"What do you mean Lou?" Harry asked quietly.

"I mean," Louis looked at the boys individually, "We gotta save Niall ourselves,"

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