Mr. Wrong Number

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A/n Hello! So this is my very first original, and I'm hoping that it'll turn out good! I hope you like it! Oh and I'll be posting all of that copyright stuff after the Prologue, so don't even dare trying to steal my stuff. You've been warned....

Dedicated to @bookandplatypusluva for this books' very first cover!




--Mom, could you call Damian and tell him to stop doing sexual things with his girlfriend so loudly?--

I quickly hit the send button on my new phone, wanting the loud moans from the room across from mine to stop as soon as humanly possible.

Most people classify my brother as the typical "bad boy" or "player"-- which I completely agree upon. And unfortunately for me, it seems as if it's every single night that I have to sit through the godawful sounds of my brother and his stupid girlfriend "going at it".

I hear a dull whistle followed by a vibrate coming from my bedside table, indicating an incoming text message.

I expected it to say something along the lines of "Just leave him be. If your were in his shoes you wouldn't want to have me interrupt you."

I shudder just at the thought of it.

You see, my brother and I are nothing alike. Opposites, in fact. He uses girls for sex, while I've only kissed two guys in my whole life--one of those being in the second grade. He's one of the most popular guys in school, while I doubt most people even know my name. He's funny, and smooth talking, and I'm just... boring. Shall I go on?

Now don't get me wrong, my brother ins't some horrible person or anything, he's just, well, a boy.

I open the text.

--Tell Damian I say congrats on getting laid.--

I had to look it over a few times in order for the words to sink in. Since when would my mother say something along the lines of that?

Seconds later, another text comes in.

--Oh, and btw, you've got the wrong number.--

The confusion flushes out of my body, and I begin laughing hysterically at the fact that I sent a text about my brother and his girlfriend having loud sex to a complete stranger.

--Oh, sorry. Bye.--

I wasn't really expecting another reply, but I got one.

--No, don't go. I'm bored.--

Taken aback at what the message said, I hesitated for a moment before sending yet another text to the complete stranger.

--How do I know that you're not an axe murderer or something?--

I was sure that this would be the end of the conversation, but for some reason, I wasn't completely surprised to hear the whistle of my phone.

--You don't, that's the fun of it. So whatd'ya say?--

My response was something that most would think of as completely and utterly idiotic.



A/n Just to let you all know, the reason why I haven't posted an original earlier is because I've been hesitant due to the fact that someone could just completely steal this whole story. I've had it happen before. So don't do it. I have many dedicated fans who will let me know basically as soon as it happens, jus' sayin'.

MeganLuvsU (MF)

Mr. Wrong Number

©2014-ongoing, Megan (MeganLuvsU)

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author/publisher.

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