Chapter One

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Chapter One

-Shayden Mitchell

I feel a light tap on my shoulder, ignoring it, I go back to my oh-so-wonderful sleep. There’s another, yet slightly harder, tap on my shoulder. And once again, I ignore it.  This time the person punches my shoulder. I jolt up in my seat, to see none other than my best friend, Tess Taylors. 

I glare at her for waking me up before realizing that I’m not in my room, but a now empty classroom. I quickly get up, and gather my things-- well a quick as a half asleep girl can be. 

“You should really get more sleep,” Tess tells me energetically, flicking her long blonde hair away from her eyes. 

“I get plenty of sleep,” I try assuring her. 

She laughs in my face, “Oh yes, that’s exactly why at least once I week I have to wake you up after history.” 

I immaturely stick my tongue out at the blonde. “Don’t blame me, it’s a boring class, and Mr Mathews doesn’t help much either.” 

The two of us stop at Tess’ locker. While she’s attempting to shove her bag into her locker for lunch, I remove my phone from my back pocket, looking for any missed messages. 

There’s one, from a very special friend of mine. 


I check the time, it’s 11:57. 

--It’s not really morning anymore... Nice try though--

Tess shoves my shoulder. I look up at her, confused. 

“What now?” 

“That,” she said, pointing to my phone. “is the reason why you never get enough sleep. Because you’re always staying up to text him. A guy who you’ve never even met! You don’t even know his full name, or where he’s from!” She dramatically slams her locker, “Don’t you find that a bit weird?” 

An arm wraps around my shoulder, “I think it’s absolutely adorable.” It was Greg, my other best friend, who just happens to be 110% gay. 

I get another text from Graham. 

--Technically it still is. For another two minutes now.--

--Well for you it isn’t.--

I’ve been talking to this boy named Graham for a little over a year now. And I met him in the most ridiculous way; I texted the wrong number. Ever since that day, I’ve been talking to him almost constantly. It’s kind of crazy. But the thing is, I don’t know basically anything personal about him. I don’t know more than his first name, or the state he lives in, or even his birthday. I only know that his name is Graham, we’re the same age, his timezone is three hours a head of mine (meaning that he lives somewhere along the east coast), and that he has a dog named Spot. 

Yeah, I mean I guess it’s kind of weird that I know that little about him--especially after talking for so long--, but it’s the same with me as well. I guess that we’re both just terrified that the other is some axe murderer. But whatever, maybe someday he’ll tell me more. 

--Well I know that, or else I would have said ‘Morning’  to myself as well--

--Yeah you’re a weirdo--

Tess’ hand was snapping in front of my face. 

“Hello? Earth to Shay. Care to pay any attention to the real world?” 

I looked up from my phone. “Go away Tess.” 

“Ooo, good comeback,” she replied sarcastically. 

I flipped her the bird. 

After a good ten minutes of walking, the three of us reached the lunch room, where we sat down at a small table by ourselves.  The lunchroom was so packed that I was surprised that there even was an empty table. 

My school is pretty large, so it can often be hard to find room to eat when it comes lunch time. 

Tess leaned towards me a bit, “Oh god, don’t look. Damian at four o’clock.” 

But of course I had to look. And what I saw wasn’t anything new, but it still made me want to vomit.  There my brother was, right in the middle of the cafeteria, shoving his tongue down some blonde cheerleader’s throat. 

Or his new “Slut of the Week” as I often called them. 

“Why the hell does he feel the need to do that in front of everyone?” I said at the same time that Greg also spoke. 

“Damn, why does that boy have to be straight?” 

I slapped him, “Jesus Greg, try to keep that stuff in your own head.” 

Since the very beginning of high school, Greg has had the biggest crush on my brother. It’s actually pretty hilarious, especially when I have Greg over at the house. 

“Why? You both go on about attractive guys all the time.” 

“Yeah,” I added. “but you’re always there agreeing with us.” 

“Well...” Tess spoke up. “I agree with Greg, your brother is pretty hott.” 

“Ugh!” I exclaimed, packing my things back into my lunch bag. I hate it when they do that. It’s my least favorite thing, listening to my two best friends go on about how attractive they find my brother. “I’m heading to class early. I’d rather sit there awkwardly with the teacher than listen to the two of you blab on about Damian.” 

A/n Yeah I know, it took me forever, I just kinda forgot about this book. Let me know what you think. 

Ta ta;*

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