Chapter 3

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I am so exhausted. I spent all morning doing that jerk's homework, and the worst part of it was that I had to make sure everything was right. But me, being the lazy one decided to answer only half the work. 

Just like I expected, he was waiting by my locker, busy reading a book. When he saw me, a smirk appeared on his devilish face. "Had fun doing my homework, maid." "Now, why wouldn't I enjoy doing some stranger's homework all night, taking up all energy left in me. It's just a pocketful of sunshine," I said, sarcastically, with a fake smile. "That's the spirit, maid," he smirked. Jerk.

"So pass them over," he grabbed the books from me, "wrong, wrong, wrong-------seriously wrong! Guess you are as dumb as you look," he frowned. "Well if you're so smart enough to know the answers are wrong, than do your own homework," I half-yelled. "Now, that would take the joy out of torturing you," he fake pouted. "I want my homework done before the end of school," he threw the books back to me. "Don't you need them for today, smart-ass," I hissed. "I'll think of excuses. Meanwhile, you keep yourself busy doing my homework," he bumped me, walking past me disappearing into the hallway.

I sighed heavily. This guy is really pissing me off. "Al,"I heard Bloom yelling from behind. I turn around facing a cheerful Bloom, attacking me with bear hugs "Hey to you too, Bloom," I said, under my breath. "Since when do you talk to Jared?" she asked, surprised. "Who?" I asked, confused. "The guy you were just talking to, the one with dark brown hair," she emphazied. "Um," I mumbled, "he's nobody..." Great reponse genius. "If he's a 'nobody', then why'd you just talk to him," Bloom asked. "He just needed help with some homework," well that was partly true. "That's weird. Jared never aks anyone for help in anything. Actually he doesn't even have any friends, he's a jerk."

No shocker there.

"How do you know all this?" I asked. Bloom's the kind of person that knows every single thing about a person. She doesn't even necessarily have to know them personally to know the kind of person they are. "Dude, everyone knows him. He's bad news. I'm surprised he's even talking to a girl like you, no offence and all," she smiled. "Well thanks for the warning. I'll try my best not to get on his bad side," I smiled. As if I'm not already.

The bell rang indicating class time. I quickly rushed to homeroom for registration then headed for Drama; first class. 

"Get into pairs, as I will give each group a script from the novel 'Dear John'." Mr Lancer said. My partner was Joey. One of Nate's best friends. Ever since Nate and I hooked up, Joey's been like a brother to me. A very weird, annoying, stupid yet awesome brother, "For the last time Joy, quit poking my boobs," I laughed. "You know you like it," he smirked, winking. "If you two are done being sexual, here are your scripts. Memorize everything and understand your character. Final exam will be in 2 months, so you have all the time to rehearse." Mr. Lancer said, in a stern manner. "Sure teach," Joey said, in a i-don't-care- tone. Mr. Lancer walked away to the next group, giving them their scripts.

"I'm playing a woman that has surgery and turns into a man, a pregnaunt man," Joey said with a puzzled expresiion, ".........I love it." Oh Joey! I rolled my eyes at him. "I'm so happy for you," I said, sarcstically. He grinned so stupidly.

Well Drama was fun, as always with Joey being my partner. Next lesson was Guidence. Luckily, our hippie teacher, Mrs. Peternel, wasn't in school today, so I took this opportunity to do Jerkface's homework. "Brian," I smiled, flirtingly at him, "could you please do me a favour."

School came to an end and thank God I was able to finish Jerkface's homework. Thanks to Brian. I felt someone pat me from behind. I was expecting Jerkface but it was Nate instead. 

"Hey you," he smiled, giving me a peck kiss. "Hey," I smiled back, "haven't see you all day." "Yeah, sorry about that. Coach wanted to make sure I spent all my time studying for my final exams," he semi-smiled. "Don't worry too much, babe. You're gonna ace the exams and Coach just can't kick you out of the team. Afterall, you are his All Star player and captain of the team," I smiled, warmly. "I know, but just in case. I still need to ace the exams," he slightly frowned. "Which you will," I smiled. He kissed me. "I love you," he smiled. "Love you too, worry-wort," I joked. "I'll call you once I get home from practice, k?". "I'll be waiting," I grinned. He kissed my cheek and left.

As I was about to make a turn, I bumped onto someone's chest. I looked up to see a smirking Jerkface. I should have known. "Why so clumsy, maid,' he teased. "Who, me or you," I spat. "So, where's my homework?" he said, in a bored tone. "Here," I handed him his books from my bag. He opened each book, page by page, checking if the answers were right. "Well, not bad, not bad at all," he smiled, almost pleased. "Who'd you give the homework to?" he smirked. "That's none of your concern," I said, with folded arms. "Whatever," he rolled his eyes, "anyway homework's okay. Looks like I'm going to get an A+, maid." He smirked. Gosh, does he always have to smirk. "Well then, I guess my jobs done. So, bye," I quickly walked away but he grabbed a hold of my hand. "Not so fast, maid. There's so much work you haven't even started yet," he smirked, evily.

The day had been long, exhausting and drained my energy from me. Jerkface just had to go for tennis practce. Since when do guys like him play tennis? I had to catch every ball he threw, even one that landed in dog poop. I don't even known how dog poop got into the school's tennis court. Then again, dog's poop doesn't look like that unless its----eww gross, and I touched that. Worst part of it all was when I got attacked by the tennis balls Jerkface threw. He claims it was an accident. Well how can you make the same accident for 5000 times? Jerk.

I just want to get some rest that my body is craving for. I plopped on the couch , soaking in the comfort.

"Alanna!" I heard my mum call. I groaned. Can't I just have 5 minutes of rest. "Huh?" I groaned. "Nathan has been calling like 10 times. He says call him when you get home," she said. Oh crap! I totally forgot about that. "Thanks mum," I sighed. I ran upstais to my room and walked to the phone, finding I had a voicemail from him. I wanted to call him back but next thing I know, I collapse on my bed, fast asleep.

I woke up that morning feeling slightly less tired. I quickly made my bed, took a bath and got dressed in some high wasited shorts, a white baggy tank top with boot heels, an owl necklace and feathered earning. I tied my hair into a cute bun, put on red lipstick, eyeliner and sprayed some perfume. I grabbed my school bag, had breakfast and walked to Lena's place, who normally drives us to school on Thursdays.

"You look good today," Lena smiled. "Why, did I look bad yesterday," I joked. "Oh, shut up. So where were you after school? Bloom and I looked everywhere for you," she said, keeping her eyes on the road. "Had to go somewhere, needed some alone time," I lied. "Sicne when do you need an 'alone time'. You have a photbia of even walking in yuor own house alone," she teased. "Well, there's a first time for everything," I smirked. "Well then, good for you I guess," she smirked back.


Author's note:

Ugh, I know it's been long since I updated, since this is after my first story.

But I've been super busy with schoo. Just clsoed on Friday and was spending the weekend

with my mates :) But I'm back! And I'm probably going to start updating everyday, probably. 

P.s. sorry this chapter is short. Will make it up to you, for the next chapters. If you think it's boring, sorry. If you love it, thank you :D I apologize for any grammar or spelling mistakes.

Please comment, vote and help me get more readers :) Oh and check out my tumblr? Follow me if you have one as well

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2012 ⏰

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